Dirty hospitals must clean up, says Brown - Guardian
"A drive to slash the rates of MRSA and other hospital infections is being masterminded by Gordon Brown, who is convinced that the public's perception of the NHS has been swayed by concerns over cleanliness on the wards.
Brown has told close colleagues that they will never win 'hearts and minds' over the health service reforms until they can demonstrate that the wards really are cleaner, and that they are cutting the numbers of patients being infected.
The Prime Minister and his aides have become alarmed that one in four hospitals is still not meeting the hygiene targets imposed in November 2004 by the then Health Secretary John Reid. Hospital-acquired infections (HAI) now affect some 300,000 people a year, and despite better control measures appear to be epidemic in some areas. The government is unlikely to meet the target it has set itself, of halving the numbers diagnosed with MRSA by next April.
Brown chose to highlight the issue of hospital cleanliness yesterday, on his first visit to a hospital - Kingston, in south-west London - as Prime Minister. A team of experts is being set up within the Department of Health to look at new measures to deal with the problem. The new health minister, the surgeon Professor Ara Darzi, will be asked to devise a new strategy to combat the infections.
Since MRSA first hit British hospitals 10 years ago, it has spread across the country, as an increasing number of people became resistant to antibiotics, coupled with poor cleaning on the wards and the fast turnover of patients."
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Monday, July 02, 2007
Dirty hospitals must clean up, says Gordon Brown
Posted by
10:36 pm
Labels: Ara Darzi, Britain's dirty hospitals, Health, Hospital-acquired infections, Hygiene in Hospitals, MRSA rates, NHS
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