New doubts raised over mobile phone safety - Telegraph
"Just five minutes of exposure to mobile phone emissions can trigger changes that occur during cancer development, according to new research.
Scientists found mobile signals can activate cell division – central to the growth of tumours - even at very low power levels.
Government guidance that mobile phone use is safe is based on the mainstream scientific assumption that electromagnetic radiation from devices such as mobiles could only cause health hazards as a result of heating.
The new research, highlighted in this week’s New Scientist, supports the position of some researchers who argue handsets can trigger potentially harmful changes to cells irrespective of temperature changes.
However other scientists said cell division is a natural process that occurs constantly in the body and does not usually signify health hazards.
Graham Philips, of the campaign group Powerwatch, said: "Current safety guidelines assume health effects from mobiles can only occur when significant heating of body tissue occurs.
"This study shows biological changes in response to low level mobile phone radiation - something that could potentially have implications for health.
"Further research is required, however guidance based purely on thermal effects is clearly out of date."
Prof Rony Seger, a cancer researcher at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and colleagues exposed rat and human cells to electromagnetic radiation at a similar frequency to that emitted by mobiles. The power of the signal was around 1/10th of that from a mobile.
After just five minutes the researchers identified the production of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2) – natural chemicals that stimulate cell division and growth.
Cancers develop when the body is unable to prevent excessive growth and division of cells in the wrong place.
Prof Seger said: "The real significance of our findings is that cells are not inert to non-thermal mobile phone radiation."
Lose weight and improve your health in many ways without drugs or expense by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
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Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Further doubts raised about safety of mobile phones
Posted by
11:05 pm
Labels: cancer, mobile phone safety, Powerwatch
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
NHS takes a small step towards giving patients information about hospital success rates
NHS surgery success rates to be made public - Guardian
"A radical overhaul of NHS strategy which will give patients a right to know the success rates of every specialist unit in every hospital is being planned by leading surgeons and government officials. For the first time, patients will be allowed to compare the quality of the clinical care provided in each NHS department.
People with a particular medical condition will be able to assess the quality of the relevant specialist teams at rival NHS hospitals before choosing where to go for treatment. In some specialties, results for individual surgeons may be available.
The strategy of increased transparency is being driven by three fundamental changes in the NHS:
The medical royal colleges want to find a reliable method for deciding whether individual consultants are fit to retain a licence to practise under the government's plan for regular reviews of doctors' professional standards.
NHS commissioners want to know the quality of every hospital department so they can purchase more care from units with the best outcomes and put pressure on under-performers.
Health ministers want to give more data to patients to help them choose the right hospital on medical grounds instead of them relying on local gossip or promotional material from trusts about quality of meals and availability of car parking.
The proposals are expected to be included in an "operating framework" for the NHS in 2008/9 that will be issued by David Nicholson, the chief executive, before the end of the year. He is understood to regard measurement of medical outcomes as the key driver of local improvement in the health service when the government moves away from setting central targets."
Lose weight and improve your health in many ways without drugs or expense by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
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Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
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Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
6:59 pm
Labels: David Nicholson, NHS, NHS hospitals
Dieting makes you tired, cold and hungry; it does NOT make you slim! - Obesity is caused by sensitivity to salt. - Lose weight by eating less salt!
Read here about Obesity and the Salt Connection
You do not need drugs to lose weight. You do not need to count calories. You do not need to exhaust yourself exercising.
You just need to give up dieting, eat good healthy meals with plenty of fruit and fresh vegetables, and avoid salt and salty food. - Here is a page of information about foods high in salt/sodium (the foods to avoid) and those low in sodium and/or high in potassium (the foods that are better for people who are wanting to lose excess weight) - sodium foods
You will lose weight easily and rapidly and you will have more energy and feel so much better. - Go on! - Try it! - You KNOW that dieting doesn't work...
Posted by
5:39 pm
Labels: avoid salt and salty food, dieting, eating less salt, fresh vegetables, Fruit, Health, Lose weight, Obesity, Obesity and the Salt connection, Salt Sensitivity, sodium intake
A disabled biker is appealing for the return of his prosthetic hand
Appeal for biker's stolen hand - Telegraph
"A disabled biker is appealing for the return of his prosthetic hand which was stolen after he left it gripped on the handlebar.
Jack Baker, 19, lost his right arm after he was badly injured in a head-on crash with a bus in Bristol in May. He had a prosthetic hand fitted, which allowed him to continue riding a specially-adapted motorbike.
But the hand, which costs £450 to replace, was taken when he left it attached to his 400cc Suzuki DR-Z400SM while he was visiting his girlfriend last week. "It was the first time I had left my hand on the bike," he said. "I thought I was only going to be 10 minutes, but I ended up staying for two hours. "
"Avon and Somerset Police appealed for anyone who had seen the missing hand or knew who had it to contact them on 0845 456 7000. "
Lose weight and improve your health in many ways without drugs or expense by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
2:15 pm
Labels: Jack Baker, prosthetic hand
Some junior doctors are being forced to stay in unsuitable jobs
Junior doctors forced to stay in unsuitable jobs - Telegraph
"Junior doctors are being forced to remain in jobs that they did not want and have been threatened with disciplinary action if they move.
The debacle of the Government's new recruitment system for junior doctors continues to worsen for the thousands caught up in it.
Doctors who accepted a training job earlier in the year, believing it was the best they could hope for, were told they risked being referred to the General Medical Council [GMC] if they accepted a better offer.
Letters sent out by the medical deaneries offering junior doctors their training post include a paragraph saying a complaint will be made to the GMC if the doctor accepts the job and then changes their mind."
It seems mean to have the threat that "a complaint will be made to the GMC if the doctor accepts the job and then changes their mind."
Posted by
1:22 pm
Labels: General Medical Council, GMC, junior doctors
Drug-pushing doctors are still plugging away at getting people to take statins...
Statins 'may ease risk of dementia' - Telegraph
"Taking cheap drugs designed to lower cholesterol could reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's by 80 per cent, scientists say today.
Three million patients at risk of developing heart disease are already prescribed statins.
An American study found that patients on cholesterol-lowering drugs had fewer signs of Alzheimer's.
Doctors are excited that statins, which cost as little as 60p a day, could reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's by as much as four-fifths."
You can reduce high cholesterol by minimising your intake of salt and salty food. - This would also reduce your risk of developing dementia and of heart disease. Indeed it reduces both the risk of and the severity of many degenerative conditions, including high blood pressure and most cancers. - See Associated health conditions
Lose weight and improve your health in many ways without drugs or expense by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
12:49 pm
Labels: Alzheimer's disease, avoid salt and salty food, dementia, heart disease, high cholesterol, statins
Sunday, August 26, 2007
'Debate' about obesity: opposing views given, but neither side realises that salt sensitivity/sodium retention/fluid retention explain the conundrum.
Size matters: The Great British weight debate - Independent on Sunday
Yet another article about obesity which wrongly assumes overeating to be the cause of the rising incidence of obesity...)o:
All that is necessary to curb the growing incidence of obesity is to tell the truth about what causes it! - Obesity is NOT caused by overeating. It is caused by fluid retention, frequently the result of taking prescribed medications, especially steroids such as prednisolone, prednisone and HRT, and anti-depressants such as amitriptyline. Obesity can be easily reduced by seriously reducing your salt/sodium intake and eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. - It is important not to restrict calories. - 'Slimming' is unnecessary, ineffective and often harmful.
The conventional 'wisdom' and advice about obesity is wrong.
There is no evidence to support the calorie theory about obesity. - And reducing calories does not reduce obesity. - Reducing salt intake DOES reduce obesity.
Calorie counting and advice about increasing exercise and reducing fat intake to reduce obesity are ineffective, counter-productive and often damaging. - See the article in the British Medical Journal of November 2003 BMJ article for actual research on what happens when this advice is followed! - Over 800 obese adults were put on energy deficit diets, given diet sheets and plenty of instruction and help from trained staff, and apparently, visited fortnightly for a year, at the end of which they had GAINED weight! This mirrors the real experience of obese people, viz. - dieting makes you fat.
It is commonly accepted now, except by the 'experts', that less than 5% of dieters actually lose weight, and most gain weight as a result of dieting. - Even the ones who manage to lose weight do not usually improve their health. - See Guardian article for a report in The Guardian of Monday, June 27th 2005. It is about a huge research study of nearly 3000 people over a period of 18 years. The study found that overweight people who diet to reach a healthier weight are more likely to die young than those who remain fat. It also found that dieting causes physiological damage that in the long term can outweigh the benefits of the weight loss.
Lose weight by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
2:45 pm
Labels: anti-depressants, calorie counting, eat less salt, fat people, Fluid Retention, fresh vegetables, Fruit, Lose weight, Obesity, Overeating, Salt Intake, Steroids
Pharmageddon: the prescription pill epidemic
Pharmageddon: the prescription pill epidemic - Independent on Sunday
An interesting and timely article about the harm that doctors and their recklessly profligate prescribing habits are having on the health of individuals and on the finances of the NHS.
"Britain is in the grip of a prescription drug-taking epidemic, with unprecedented numbers of medicines being handed out by GPs, costing billions of pounds and stretching already tight NHS resources to breaking point.
Prescription drug use has increased by 27 per cent in the past the five years and the NHS drug bill topped £10bn in 2006. GPs prescribed 918 million medicines last year compared with 721 million five years ago, according to figures obtained by The Independent on Sunday.
Health experts put rocketing prescription numbers down to medical advances, but also point to poor prescribing by GPs, growing public demand for a "pill for every ill" and aggressive marketing tactics by the pharmaceutical industry, which prompted one MP to warn that the UK is heading towards what he called "pharmageddon".
Paul Flynn, the Labour MP, warned that a failure to change attitudes would be disastrous. He said: "We are heading towards pharmageddon. The medicalising of society is convincing people they need a pill for everything. Drug companies recruit patients, particularly good-looking and articulate ones, to help promote new drugs in the media. Life and death decisions should not be taken by tabloids."
Doctors now write an average of 81 prescriptions a day compared with 64 five years ago. More than 730,000 prescriptions for antidepressants are being handed out each week, to the point where they almost match those for antibiotics at 870,000 a week.
More than £1bn has been wasted in the past five years on buying and disposing of drugs that were never used by patients, according to new research by the Conservative Party. GPs prescribe thousands of drugs patients don't want or take, according to this survey."
Lose weight and improve your health without drugs or expense by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
12:36 pm
Labels: British doctors, drug companies, GPs, Paul Flynn, Pharmaceutical industry, Pharmageddon, prescribed drugs
Applying talcum powder in the pelvic area increases a woman's risk of developing ovarian cancer
Talcum powder 'poses cancer risk to women' - Independent on Sunday
"The practice of discreetly puffing underwear with a dab of talcum powder may be increasing women's risk of ovarian cancer.
Research shows that women who use talc have a 17 per cent higher risk of getting the cancer. Researchers say using a small amount of talc in the pelvic area may lead to it reaching the ovaries and increasing the risk of the most common gynaecological cancer in the UK, with more than 4,000 deaths a year."
I'm rather surprised to read this as news. - I first read of the connection between ovarian cancer and talc used in the genital area many years ago...
Reduce your risk of most cancers, lose weight and improve your health in many other ways by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
10:55 am
Labels: ovarian cancer, talcum powder
How are the mighty fallen!
The friend of the stars who fell from grace - The Observer
"A barrister and renowned radio and television producer, who has worked with the likes of Anthony Minghella, Michael Frayn and David Mamet, is facing jail after being found guilty of attempting to pervert the course of justice. Bruce Hyman, chief executive of Above The Title Productions, has pleaded guilty to attempting to falsely incriminate the husband of a client he was representing in the family court. If jailed, it is believed it would be the first time that a barrister had been sent to prison for such a crime."
Lose weight and improve your health in many other ways by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
10:37 am
Labels: Above The Title Productions, Bruce Hyman, perverting the course of justice
Sandi Toksvig loves the NHS...
Sandi Toksvig: Doctor, doctor, I love the NHS... - Sunday Telegraph
Well, that's good...
The thing is, though, if you have benefited from the NHS, it's not difficult to get publicity for your view. - It's usually very difficult indeed to get publicity for being treated abominably by the NHS - and I'm not talking about financial restrictions on the provision of drugs that benefit dementia and cancer sufferers. People who have been harmed by the NHS - by the widespread medical negligence that is a feature of the NHS, say - and have had that harm compounded by the futility and partisanship of the NHS Complaints Procedures - often justifiably fear reprisals by the medical profession that has harmed them, and by the bureaucracy that has compounded that harm - and frequently that fear of reprisal is shared by the media to whom the victims turn, frustrated at their failure to obtain any scrap of help from the system and from the bodies that purportedly provide help.
Lose weight and improve your health in many other ways by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
9:54 am
Labels: NHS, NHS bureaucracy, NHS Complaints Procedures, Sandi Toksvig
Friday, August 24, 2007
Older people need sufficient calcium and vitamin D to prevent bone damage if they fall.
Over-50s told to take proper dose of calcium to avoid bone damage - Guardian
"Doctors are recommending that people over 50 take supplements of calcium to reduce the risk of bone damage if they fall, as a study in the Lancet medical journal today suggests that daily pills can prevent one in four fractures in the over-50s.
The findings will add to the increasing number of pills many older people are recommended to take and renew suggestions that some should consider a daily "polypill", including cholesterol-busting statins, aspirin and calcium.
University of Western Sydney scientists pooled the results of 17 studies involving more than 50,000 people over 50 who were given calcium supplements. They discovered that supplements reduced the risk of fractures by 12% but when the proper dose of 1200mg was taken every day the risk was reduced by 24%.
Benjamin Tang, the lead author, said: "If you're fit, healthy and have a very good diet then at 50 perhaps it's optional but the older you get and the poorer diet you have the more definite the benefit."
But the study also suggested that many people are not taking strong enough doses of calcium, or not taking them regularly enough, to reap the full benefits. "Unfortunately most of the tablets are low dosage," said Dr Tang."
I reckon calcium supplementation is a good idea for older people, but "a daily "polypill", including cholesterol-busting statins, aspirin and calcium" would not be a good idea. Statins have caused many adverse side-effects in the people who take/have taken them, and it has been reported that most people feel better when they give them up. Cholesterol can be lowered without drugs by reducing salt intake. This would also help with the problem of insufficient calcium. - And aspirin for all the people needing calcium supplements would not be safe, since many people have weak blood vessels and a tendency to bleed, which would be likely to be exacerbated by daily aspirin. People need to have sufficient vitamin D in order to utilise the calcium.
Lose weight and improve your health in many other ways by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
4:52 pm
Labels: adverse side-effects, Aspirin, avoid salt and salty food, Benjamin Tang, calcium, statins, The Lancet, Vitamin D
British doctors are concerned over rights of nurses to prescribe drugs
Concern over rights of nurses to prescribe drugs - Guardian
"Medical practitioners today expressed 'serious concerns' over the rights of nurses to prescribe complex medicines after new figures showed a big increase in the practice.
The number of prescriptions issued by independent nurse prescribers has risen by 49% since new rules allowing nurses to prescribe complex medicines to patients were introduced last year, according a report in Pulse, the newspaper for GPs.
The figures have prompted a row among medical practitioners over whether nurses and pharmacists should have the right to prescribe a wide range of drugs in a bid to speed up patient treatment.
Professor Hugh McGavock, visiting professor of prescribing science at the University of Ulster and a former member of the Committee on Safety of Medicines, told Pulse he had "serious concerns" about the rule change.
He said: "Nurses' knowledge of diagnosis is pathetically poor. It takes medical students five years to be competent to make a differential diagnosis. Only a country with not enough doctors would go down this cheapy line.""
Hollow laughter here...)o: - Could there be any health professionals worse at diagnosis and at prescribing than NHS doctors? - Not in my experience! - Their reckless and inappropriate prescribing of powerful drugs when they have wholly inadequate knowledge of the adverse side-effects of the drugs beggars belief! If that were not the case, I would not be a steroid victim, and nor would the scores of other steroid victims in this country.
Remember, friends, whenever, in any country, doctors go on strike, the death rate goes down...(o: (Check it out on the internet.) - There's a lesson for us all.
Plus we have a pathetic system of regulating drugs. - - This is the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency - surely a euphemistic title if ever there was one!
It is an executive agency of the Department of Health and the MHRA website makes the grandiose claim that: "We enhance and safeguard the health of the public by ensuring that medicines and medical devices work, and are acceptably safe." - Well they make a lamentable job of this!
There are no warnings for patients that they should eat no salt or food containing salt when taking certain drugs, most importantly many quite commonly prescribed steroids, HRT, other drugs containing oestrogen, amitriptyline and many other anti-depressants and anti-psychotics, and some other drugs, because these drugs can and often do cause sodium and water retention and therefore, potentially, morbid obesity and a host of other serious health problems.
If the MHRA were doing its job properly they would have long ago curbed the recklessly excessive over-prescribing of these drugs, many of which have been being prescribed for over 50 years, and implemented a mandatory monitoring of patients taking these drugs, in order to prevent morbid obesity, etc developing. - As it is, because of their failure to do their job properly, there are many thousands of obese and morbidly obese people in this country as a direct result of taking drugs prescribed by NHS doctors.
I'd trust a pharmacist ahead of a doctor for knowing about drugs, and I'd trust a prescribing nurse ahead of a doctor for taking the trouble to look up a drug to check the side-effects.
Doctors have got a good PR machine, but it's not matched by their performance...)o:
Posted by
4:21 pm
Labels: adverse side-effects, diagnosis, Doctors, medicines, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, NHS, Obesity, prescribed drugs, Professor Hugh McGavock, sodium retention, Steroid Victims
Britain's forced adoptions are a national scandal
Outcry over rise in forced adoptions - Guardian
"Record numbers of young children are being removed from their parents and adopted unjustly because of government targets and the "secrecy" of the family courts, it was claimed today.
Campaigners say there are now more than 100 cases of possible miscarriages of justice where children have been forcibly adopted.
The figures, revealed in BBC Radio 4's Face the Facts programme, claims the number of parents in England who have had to give up their children, despite insufficient evidence they were causing them harm, has now hit record levels. - See
It says 1,300 babies under a month old are being adopted every year, up from 500 when the government came into power in 1997.
Social workers told the programme, to be broadcast later today, that they were being put under pressure to meet the government adoption targets set in 2000.
And lawyers claimed parents were not being given a proper chance to challenge adoptions because of the time limit on appeals and the secrecy within the family courts.
Family law solicitor Sarah Harman said: "Secrecy breeds bad practice, it breeds suspicion. It feeds parents' sense of injustice when they have their children removed that they're not able to talk about it.
"They're not able to air their grievances. Children have been removed from their families unjustly. There's no two ways about that."
A social work manager with 25 years' experience in child protection said parents had little chance of getting a hearing and overturning a decision made by the authorities. The manager told the BBC: "People will find that their children have been removed and freed for adoption without them having had a proper chance to defend themselves and their families and their children."
MPs have also spoken out against the system and are campaigning for a public inquiry."
This is a national scandal. Reform is urgently needed, as is an end to the secrecy of the legal proceedings.
Posted by
2:52 pm
Labels: adoption, BBC Radio 4, child protection, Face the Facts, family courts, injustice, miscarriage of justice victims, Sarah Harman
Infertility crisis looms in the west as obesity levels soar. - SO AVOID EATING SALT AND SALTY FOOD!
Infertility crisis looms in the west as obesity levels soar - Guardian
"Soaring levels of obesity in the western world are expected to trigger a major new infertility crisis among women, doctors warn today. The Lancet reports that the obesity epidemic will leave more couples struggling to conceive as women suffer more fertility-related problems.
One expert suggested the proportion of couples seeking infertility treatment could double to one in five within a decade. "We're at the tip of the iceberg," said Bill Ledger, professor of obstetrics at the University of Sheffield. But he said the problem could be eased if women lost weight before resorting to medical interventions to get pregnant.
The Lancet study focuses on a common disorder - polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - which affects one in 15 women worldwide. PCOS occurs when women have excess male hormones which cause little cysts to grow on the ovaries. Symptoms include irregular or missed periods, infertility, excess hair, acne and insulin resistance which can make them more prone to diabetes.
"Obesity has a substantial effect on the manifestation of polycystic ovary syndrome," the paper says. "Excess weight exacerbates metabolic and reproductive abnormalities in women with the syndrome, and family studies suggest weight gain might promote ... polycystic ovary syndrome in a susceptible population."
Robert Norman, the lead author at the University of Adelaide, Australia, said: "Obesity doesn't cause PCOS but it exacerbates it ... it's argued that obesity will cause a crisis in infertility and I agree.
"Obesity has huge consequences for fertility but also when you treat someone who is obese and get them pregnant you have increased problems for the pregnancy." Problems include pregnancy-related diabetes, abnormalities and a decreased chance of a natural labour."
Reduce your risk of polycystic ovary syndrome and lose weight and improve your health in many other ways by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
1:40 pm
Labels: acne, Bill Ledger, Diabetes, Health, Infertility, irregular periods, Lose weight, obese pregnant mothers, Obesity, PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome, Robert Norman
British stroke patients are 'dying from poor treatment'
Stroke patients 'dying from poor treatment' - Telegraph
"Stroke victims are "dying unnecessarily" because Britain provides some of the worst treatment in Europe.
Despite spending just as much if not more on stroke services, more patients die and suffer serious disability than elsewhere, warned a neuroscience expert.
Professor Hugh Markus, of the Centre for Clinical Neuroscience, St George's University of London, says stroke is treated as a "Cinderella" subject.
He writes in the British Medical Journal today that the UK spends the majority of its stroke money on nursing and rehabilitation.
But if more investment was directed at treating the stroke immediately, it could avoid many deaths and cases of severe disability and so reduce the cost of nursing care.
Stroke must be treated as an emergency because patients who have a brain scan and start treatment with clot-busting drugs within three hours have a better chance of surviving and making a fuller recovery. But many hospitals struggle to carry out a scan within 24 hours.
It was estimated that 550 lives could be saved each year and 1,700 patients spared disability if care was improved.
Just one in 100 stroke patients get thrombolytic treatment compared with up to 30 per cent in some European countries, America and Australia."
Reduce your risk of stroke and lose weight and improve your health in many ways by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
12:45 pm
Labels: disability, eating less salt, Health, Lose weight, NHS, stroke
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Shoppers are being 'Hoodwinked' on Salt Labelling - New Report Warns
Shoppers Being 'Hoodwinked' on Salt Labelling - New Report Warns - LACORS (the Local Authorities Coordinators of Regulatory Services)
"There is evidence that the serving sizes of some products are being tailored to produce lower salt content per serving on the label. For example some breakfast cereals give a portion size of 30g when in reality most people eat far more than that in one serving, whilst serving sizes on some ready meal curries vary from 175g to 500g. Some chicken nuggets have been labelled with the salt content for a serving size of one nugget when clearly most people would eat far more than this. "
"There is concern that customers are being hoodwinked and misled by some manufacturers who are deliberately quoting unreasonably small portion sizes on their packaging to mask the true salt content of their products. This is worrying as labels provide the main source of information for consumers wanting a healthy and balanced diet.
“The declaration of the salt per serving size is an important piece of information that allows consumers to make informed choices in pursuit of a healthy diet. Stating the salt content of a single chicken nugget can be deceptive, since it’s extremely unlikely that anyone would eat a single chicken nugget for dinner.
“It would make it much easier for consumers to make informed choices if nutritional information was presented in a meaningful way. The ‘salt per serving’ unit should be a realistic quantity and not one that provides a false sense of security to people buying the product.”"
Lose weight and improve your health in many ways by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
9:56 pm
Labels: eat less salt, misleading salt labelling, salt content
If you are very overweight, don't let yourself be bullied into dieting and doing lots of exercise! - It won't help you to lose weight!
Obesity is not caused by eating too much or by insufficient exercise. It is caused by sensitivity to salt and fluid retention and can easily and rapidly be reduced by avoiding eating salt and salty food.
Lose weight and improve your health in many ways by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
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Posted by
7:16 pm
Labels: avoid salt and salty food, bullying, dieting, eat less salt, Exercise, Fluid Retention, Lose weight
Treat ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) more seriously, doctors have been advised
Treat ME more seriously, doctors ordered - Telegraph
"ME, or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, affects 193,000 people in Britain. Symptoms can include debilitating fatigue, headaches, sleep problems and muscle pain.
Doctors had argued over whether the condition existed. Some experts suggested it was just "yuppie flu".
Sir Liam Donaldson, the Government's chief medical officer, sought to end the controversy in 2002 when he said it was a genuine and disabling condition.
The disease is also listed as a neurological disorder by the World Health Organisation.
The guidance from Nice recommends that doctors develop a management plan for each patient.
Doctors should also offer advice on activity, rest periods, sleep patterns, diet, equipment to help maintain independence such as the blue badge for disabled drivers, and advice on fitness to work or study."
It is very helpful for people with ME to cut down on their intake of salt and salty food. They will then have much more energy.
Lose weight and improve your health in many ways by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better! - How to Lose weight!
See my website
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Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
3:21 pm
Labels: avoid salt and salty food, cfs, chronic fatigue syndrome, eat less salt, fatigue, headache, Lose weight, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, pain, Sir Liam Donaldson, sleep problems, yuppie flu
Cheap air travel 'is spreading deadly infectious diseases'
Cheap air travel 'is spreading deadly diseases' - Telegraph
"People are at greater risk of contracting potentially lethal infectious diseases because of the boom in international air travel, the World Health Organisation (WHO) warned today.
New diseases are emerging at the "historically unprecedented rate of one per year", and failures in international co-operation are putting lives at risk, according to a new report.
Centuries-old threats such as influenza, malaria and tuberculosis are thriving due to mutations and rising resistance, while deadly new diseases threaten worldwide epidemics.
"It would be extremely naive and complacent to assume that there will not be another disease like AIDS, another Ebola, another SARS, sooner or later," the report warns.
The WHO is calling on countries to report potentially dangerous health emergencies more quickly, and be more willing to share scientific knowledge of new infections.
The report highlighted two recent failures of international intelligence sharing that could have put lives at risk.
Earlier this year, American officials tracked the movements of a US lawyer believed to have a highly dangerous form of tuberculosis as he travelled around Europe, but failed to inform the WHO or the countries he visited."
Strengthen your immune system and lose weight by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better! - How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
2:19 pm
Labels: air travel, epidemics, infectious diseases, tuberculosis, World Health Organisation
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Obese children are 'suffering high blood pressure'
"Scientists who studied 14,187 children aged between three and 18 found that more than three per cent had high blood pressure but three quarters of them had not been properly diagnosed.
The team warned that doctors need to be more aware of the condition.
It comes as one quarter of children in the UK are classed as overweight and the obesity epidemic is growing.
Having hypertension as a child increases the risk of heart disease in adulthood as the longer blood pressure is elevated the greater the risk.
Children are also being diagnosed with type two diabetes which is usually associated with being overweight.
The authors of a study of children in Ohio, America and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association said: “Hypertension in children has been shown to correlate with family history of hypertension, low birth weight, and excess weight. With the increasing prevalence of childhood weight problems, increased attention to weight-related health conditions including hypertension is warranted. Several lines of evidence suggest that blood pressure in US children and adolescents is increasing in parallel with weight.”
Of the 14,187 children and adolescents studied between June 1999 and September 2006 in the outpatient clinics 507 children and adolescents (3.6 per cent) had hypertension. Of those 131 (26 per cent) had a diagnosis of hypertension or elevated blood pressure documented in the electronic medical record meaning three quarters had not been formally diagnosed. "
It is fluid retention that causes the obesity and the high blood pressure in these children. And fluid retention in children is caused by eating food high in salt. - It is not caused by overeating or by lack of exercise. - See Here is an extract from the page:
"When children become fat it is essentially because they are eating salty food. Children are especially vulnerable to salt because of their small size and small blood volume, and because their blood vessels are weaker than those of adults. Salt, and the water it attracts to it, can more easily distend weak blood vessels than fully mature ones. The resulting increase in blood volume and other fluid retention results in weight gain, as well as higher blood pressure and many other undesirable consequences. The smaller the child, the less salt they should have - and a baby, of course, should have no salt at all. - Babies can die if they are fed salty food.
Because children have much smaller bodies than adults it would be best if they had no more than half as much salt as adults. Most children, however, have much more than this because they eat so many snacks and instant foods. Just one cheeseburger, for instance, contains almost double the recommended daily salt maximum for children. There are high amounts of salt in packet soups, instant noodles, ketchup and sauces, sausages, burgers and savoury snacks. Fat children will lose weight fast if they eat less salt. And even faster still if they eat plenty of fresh fruit and unsalted vegetables, because these are rich in potassium, which helps to displace sodium from the body."
Lose weight and improve your health by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better! - How to Lose weight!
See my website
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Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions
Posted by
10:23 pm
Labels: avoid salt and salty food, blood volume, child health, childhood obesity, distended blood vessels, Fat children, Fluid Retention, high blood pressure, Lose weight, obese children, Obesity
NHS bureaucracy is impeding a cure for cancer
Cut out NHS bureaucracy to cure cancer - quite a long article by Professor Karol Sikora in the Telegraph
"Our cancer tsar, Mike Richards, has done a great job - and a terrifically frustrating one at times - putting in place the infrastructure for a responsive, patient-centred service. But it has cost the taxpayer a huge amount of money, money that is now running out fast. So where is it all going wrong?
Cancer diagnosis and treatment is complex, and it requires the integration of many hospital departments: imaging and laboratories, outpatient services as well as treatment services.
And as we all know, the NHS is hopelessly inefficient. The last bastion of communism in Europe, it is obsessed with political correctness, multiple and complex targets and inter-professional disputes about working practices, and it boasts a hugely over-bureaucratised management system.
Imagine, if you can, how the money "flows" through the system: the Department of Health gives it to strategic health authorities which then pass it on to primary care trusts which use cancer networks to advise them before commissioning work from hospitals. And that's only the beginning of the bureaucratic nightmare.
The Healthcare Commission, the Royal Colleges and other professional bodies all vie for a slice of the paperwork action. All of these bodies are well served by secretarial staff while hospitals are cutting back. Several consultants now regularly share one hard-pressed secretary who tries to juggle all the demands. And that's before the patients call in sick.
Entrepreneurship and innovation is rapidly stifled and many of my colleagues simply give up trying to improve services.
No commercial consumer-focused industry behaves like this. If it did, it would go bust. Imagine a pizza chain creating a waiting list, developing complex rules of inequitable access to salads and sauces, and offering no choice in venue.
Just like delivering an excellent pizza, cancer care is a global business. Good cancer care is the same in Bombay, Boston and Bognor. Global organisations are emerging to deliver the necessary components of care in all environments. Stripping away the redundant paperclip pushers within the NHS is now essential.
There are huge challenges ahead for Britain. Despite spending several billions of pounds more on cancer, all the short-term metrics remain poor.
Access to diagnostic scans, outpatient clinic appointments for those who don't immediately obviously have cancer (who make up to 60 per cent of all patients), time to biopsy, time to first treatment, the availability of radiotherapy and access to new cancer drugs still compare unfavourably with the rest of Europe.
Perhaps the biggest scandal is that we are spending more per head on cancer than France, Italy or Germany. "
Most cancers are linked with obesity, which is often caused by sensitivity to salt, and fluid retention. You can lower your risk of most cancers by avoiding salt and salty food, because by doing this you reduce any excess fluid in your system and thus reduce any excess weight you are carrying. You can read here about the groups of people who are vulnerable to salt.
Lose weight and improve your health by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better! - How to Lose weight!
See my website . The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
10:46 am
Labels: avoid salt and salty food, cancer, Fluid Retention, Health, Mike Richards, NHS bureaucracy, Professor Karol Sikora, Salt Sensitivity, Vulnerable Groups, vulnerable to salt
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Cigarette sales dropped nearly 7% last month after a smoking ban was introduced in England.
Cigarette sales drop nearly 7% - Guardian
"Cigarette sales dropped nearly 7% last month after a smoking ban was introduced in England.
Smokers bought 6.9% fewer cigarettes in the four weeks to July 28 than in the same period last year, according to figures from consumer research group AC Nielsen. Sales were down 1.2% in June, ahead of the ban.
Anti-smoking campaigners ASH welcomed the news. "This is a good sign," a spokeswoman said. "As expected, smokers appear to be cutting back on the number of cigarettes they smoke. We also expect many will use the smoking ban as a trigger to help them quit altogether.""
A bit of welcome good news amid the general gloom...(o;
If you have given up/intend to give up smoking and fear that you will put on weight as a result, here is some further good news for you. - It is easy to lose excess weight by cutting down on salt and salty food. - Lose weight and improve your health by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better! - How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
10:20 pm
Labels: AC Nielsen, Action on Smoking and Health, cigarettes, Health, Lose weight, smoking
Antibiotics are being over-prescribed again...
Take now, pay later - Guardian
"Recent research led by Dr Andrew Hayward, a senior lecturer in infectious disease epidemiology at University College London, found that, despite official guidelines, GPs are prescribing too many antibiotics for common infections. His survey, published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, showed that antibiotic prescription varied widely according to the condition, with 44% of upper respiratory tract infections (coughs and colds), 64% of sore throats over 80% of chest infections and sinusitis receiving prescriptions for antibiotics.
"The majority of simple coughs, colds and sore throats are viral, and those that are bacterial only benefit a little from antibiotics because they will get better anyway. GPs are prescribing more antibiotics than necessary for these conditions," Hayward says."
Lose weight and improve your health by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better! - How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
10:11 pm
Labels: antibiotics, Dr Andrew Hayward, GPs, NHS
Britain's cancer survival rate is the lowest in Europe
UK cancer survival rate lowest in Europe - Telegraph
"Cancer survival rates in Britain are among the lowest in Europe, according to the most comprehensive analysis of the issue yet produced.
England is on a par with Poland despite the NHS spending three times more on health care.
Survival rates are based on the number of patients who are alive five years after diagnosis and researchers found that, for women, England was the fifth worst in a league of 22 countries. Scotland came bottom.
Cancer experts blamed late diagnosis and long waiting lists.
In total, 52.7pc of women survived for five years after being diagnosed between 2000 and 2002. Only Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, the Czech Republic and Poland did worse. Just 44.8pc of men survived, putting England in the bottom seven countries.
The team, writing in The Lancet Oncology, found that Britain's survival rates for the most common cancers - colorectal, lung, breast and prostate - were substantially behind those in Western Europe."
A huge problem in Britain, which damages many thousands of people, including, no doubt, cancer sufferers, is the relentlessly incorrect and harmful advice about dieting which the medical profession routinely gives - i.e. to cut down on calories/fat, etc in order to lose weight. - This leads to inadequate nutrition and inadequate nutrition leads to greater incidence of obesity, poorer health, impaired healing and lower resistance to infection - and to more cases of cancer and the other degenerative diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, heart attck, arthritis, etc.
Obesity is not caused by overeating and that is why undereating/dieting/going hungry/eating fewer calories than your body requires does not reduce overweight, - Cutting calories makes you tired, cold, depressed and suffering from malnutrition.
Obesity is caused by salt sensitivity and fluid retention. - Lose weight and improve your health by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better! - How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
9:32 pm
Labels: cancer, Fluid Retention, NHS, Obesity, Salt Sensitivity
Monday, August 20, 2007
A slimming club for fat cats and dogs! - It's quite unnecessary. - They just need to be eating food without added salt.
The slimming club for fat cats and dogs - Telegraph
"Half of dogs and cats in Britain are overweight, according to the RSPCA."
""A weight problem can affect a pet's quality of life and lead to straining of the joints, as well as internal illnesses like diabetes, liver disease and heart disease.""
Pet dogs and cats become overweight when they are fed food containing salt. This tends to happen if their owner gives them part of the owner's meal - a bit of a takeaway meal, for instance. - Takeaways tend to contain a lot of salt.
If you feed an overweight dog or cat food that has had no salt added, they will swiftly, easily and safely lose weight and will feel much more alert and energetic as a result.
Lose weight and improve your health by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website (The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
4:38 pm
Labels: fat cats, fat dogs, Lose weight, overweight pets, salt restriction
Elderly people need better foot care service
Care failure traps elderly - Telegraph
"ELDERLY people are being left housebound as a result of a lack of basic care to help them look after their feet, it was claimed today (Mon).
Thousands of pensioners are becoming increasingly disabled because the NHS is not providing simple services such as chiropody.
According to a report by Age Concern, many elderly people now risk hurting themselves in dangerous falls as they are not being given adequate care to help them look after their feet.
The NHS has recently cut back on services such as chiropody clinics in which elderly people are provided with basic services such as toe-nail cutting and relief for aches and pains.
As a result, a high proportion of older people have suffered a loss of mobility and independence because they can not walk.
Some are being forced to wait for weeks on over-subscribed waiting lists while others do not have access to any NHS clinics in their local area.
Gordon Lishman, Director General of Age Concern, said: "Foot care services are failing older people and a postcode lottery is leaving those in some areas without any services at all.
"Some of the older people we have talked to are taking desperate measures including cutting their nails with gardening shears or kicking solid walls in their bare feet to break their nails."
One of the main reasons that old people are unable to cut their toenails themselves is that they have put on a lot of weight and they find it difficult to reach their feet properly. Cutting down on salt and salty food is the safe and simple way to lose some excess weight as this reduces fluid retention which is what has caused the weight gain.
Lose weight and improve your health by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
4:09 pm
Labels: Age Concern, avoid salt and salty food, chiropody, elderly people, Lose weight, mobility, NHS
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Arthritis? Osteoarthritis? Worried about using painkillers?
You may have become a concerned because there has been a lot of bad publicity about painkillers used for arthritis - Vioxx, for instance, or Prexige, or Ibuprofen or Aspirin.
If you are in pain from arthritis and would prefer not to risk adverse side-effects from painkillers, or if, like me, you have a philosophical or a rational objection to taking painkillers because you have found them useless and would prefer to try to address the cause of the pain rather than the symptom, then you may like to try cutting down on your salt/sodium intake. - This is not a frivolous suggestion; eating less salt reduces a lot of - possibly most - pain. - See Pain and other conditions that can be improved by cutting down on salt
Cutting down on salt also reduces fluid retention, and therefore reduces excess weight. This in itself could make your arthritis easier to cope with.
Slow down the aging process and lose weight by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
10:55 am
Labels: adverse side-effects, arthritis, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, osteoarthritis, pain, painkillers, Prexige, Salt reduction, Vioxx
Salty food is not good for your pet dog or cat. Don't feed them bits from a takeaway meal or a processed food meal. It could make them fat/diabetic.
Have a look at my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Posted by
10:47 am
Labels: avoid salt and salty food, cats, dogs, fat cats, fat dogs, overweight pets, pets, Processed food, salty food, takeaway meals
If you are overweight and disabled, or a wheelchair user, it is easy to lose weight without exercise. - Just try to avoid salty food. - It works!
This is because people who are overweight are sensitive to salt and are carrying excess weight in the form of fluid retention. Cutting down on salt/sodium reduces this fluid retention so weight is lost and you have more energy and feel much better. It benefits your health in so many ways - not just the benefits of lowering blood pressure and lowering the risk of having a stroke or developing diabetes or heart disease/heart attack, but dozens more benefits, including better sleep, fewer headaches, reduced cholesterol problems, easier breathing... - Go on! - Try it! - It could transform your life!
Lose weight and improve your health by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
8:54 am
Labels: disabled, Fluid Retention, headache, high blood pressure, Lose weight, loss of sleep, overweight, Salt Intake, Salt Sensitivity, Sodium, weight loss, wheelchair users
Friday, August 17, 2007
Curiouser and curiouser...eggs within eggs...
Twin chicks - New Scientist
Posted by
8:49 pm
Labels: eggs, New Scientist
Older people are not always treated with kindness
Joan Bakewell: The old are left to fend for themselves - Joan Bakewell, writing in The Independemt
"The Queen might lead the way, making pointed inquiries when she next opens a geriatric wing of a hospital. The truth is we can't wait for the next generation to mobilise on our behalf. They have other things to worry about: their children's well-being and education, mortgages and redundancies. Taking up the cause of the old is not going to be a top priority for them.
The even younger generation can often be glib and indifferent, turning away from the sight of sagging flesh and stooped shoulders, mocking those who have lost their looks and their physique. To them, the old have had their lives and will be gone soon enough anyway. So why bother?
The answer is that it costs nothing to be kind, making other people happy feels good, and the world will then be a better place when they grow old themselves. But until they listen, we shall have to fend for ourselves."
Slow down the aging process and lose weight by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
7:07 pm
Labels: Joan Bakewell, older people
Warning over rising numbers of high blood pressure cases
Warning over rising numbers of high blood pressure cases - Guardian
"The number of people suffering from high blood pressure worldwide is expected to rise to more than 1.5 billion over next 20 years, a new report shows.
Research in the Lancet medical journal warns that that people living in developed countries have a 90% chance of lifetime risk of developing high blood pressure.
The article says that in 2000 there was an estimated 972 million adults living with high blood pressure around the world. This is expected to rise to 1.56 billion by 2025.
"Lifestyle factors, such as physical inactivity, a salt-rich diet with highly processed and fatty foods, and alcohol and tobacco use, are at the heart of this increased disease burden, which is spreading at an alarming rate from developed countries to emerging economies such as India and China," the research states."
A major cause of high blood pressure is the reckless over-prescribing of pharmaceutical drugs, often in high dose. Many of these drugs (eg corticosteroids like prednisone and prednisolone, HRT, tricyclic antidepressants like amitriptyline, and many other drugs) cause high blood pressure because they weaken the walls of the blood vessels, which then become vulnerable to the incursion of excess salt/sodium and the water it attracts to itself. - So these prescribed drugs are the cause of salt sensitivity and drug-induced weight gain. - See
Lower your blood pressure and lose weight by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
How to Lose weight!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
See Sodium in foods and
Associated health conditions and - my 'political' page - social and economic considerations
I can be contacted via my website if you need my further help. My help is free.
Posted by
6:19 pm
Labels: amitriptyline, anti-depressants, corticosteroids, eat less salt, high blood pressure, HRT, hypertension, Obesity, overweight, Prednisolone, Prednisone, prescription drugs