Halt school run and get in trim, says report - Guardian
"Cars should be banned from the school run where the distance is walkable to fight obesity in parents and children, the authors of a new report suggest.
In 1982, adults drove an average of 55 miles a year each to take their offspring to school, but by 2005 it had risen to 82 miles, the Institute for European Environmental Policy said. Setting car exclusion zones around schools would encourage families to walk short distances instead, benefiting their health and the environment by reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
The report's lead author, Adrian Davis, said children should be taught that walking was a better option so they would encourage their parents to ditch the car in the morning."
But it is not lack of exercise that causes obesity; it is fluid retention, caused in turn by salt sensitivity. Obesity can be easily, safely, reliably and rapidly reduced by cutting down on salt intake.
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
The Institute for European Environmental Policy suggests that cars should be banned from some school runs.
Posted by
5:41 pm
Labels: Adrian Davis, eat less salt, Fluid Retention, Institute for European Environmental Policy, Obesity, Salt Sensitivity
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