And that exercise will also put a strain on her feet, which have to bear all that weight/pressure and friction. She will be made very tired by the exercise, and her hunger will increase because of the extra energy expended, and her poor feet will ache and become swollen and painful. - I hope she puts her feet up when she gets home!
If you know this poor woman, or anyone in a similar condition, please pass on the information that to lose excess weight it is vitally necessary to cut down on salt and salty food - seriously cut down. This reduces the fluid retention which is the cause of obesity. Eating plenty of fruit and fresh vegetables makes the weight loss faster. A really obese woman (or man, or child) who follows this advice will EASILY lose about a stone (14 pounds) in a month, and will continue to lose weight as long as the advice continues to be taken. Obese people are sensitive to salt, and so for them salt is harmful - much more harmful than it is for people who are not obese or overweight.
And it is not necessary to do exercises to lose weight.
Lose weight by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Monday, June 11, 2007
This unfortunate morbidly obese woman, shown on youtube, will not lose weight by the exercise she is taking...)o:
Posted by Willow at 9:40 am
Labels: eat less salt, fat, Fat child, fat people, fat woman, lose a stone in a month, Lose weight, morbid obesity, obese, youtube
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