BBC report finds bias within corporation - Sunday Telegraph
"After a year-long investigation the report, published today, maintains that the corporation’s coverage of day-to-day politics is fair and impartial.
But it says coverage of Live 8, the 2005 anti-poverty concerts organised by rock star campaigners Bob Geldof and Bono and writer Richard Curtis, failed to properly debate the issues raised.
Instead, at a time when the corporation was renegotiating its charter with the government, it allowed itself to effectively become a promotional tool for Live 8, which was strongly supported by Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.
Geldof, Bono and Curtis were attempting to pressure world leaders at the G8 Summit in Gleneagles, which was taking place at the same time, to help reduce poverty in developing countries under the banner 'Make Poverty History’. "
I've found the BBC, in my own dealings with it, heavily biased in favour of entrenched medical views about obesity, even though these views are completely unsupported by scientific evidence. So it is next door to impossible for me to get onto a phone-in about obesity to explain about fluid retention/salt sensitivity being the real cause of obesity, rather than overeating and/or inactivity. - The hate-filled callers who like to give vent to insults about the 'greed' and 'laziness' of fat people are always allowed time for an impassioned, ill-informed rant, but I am not given airtime to give the true, safe message that the best and fastest way to lose excess weight is to cut down on salt and salty food, give up dieting and eat plenty of good food, including fruit and fresh vegetables. This information is literally vital to some members of the groups vulnerable to salt, namely the steroid victims, who will suffer morbid obesity and many attendant painful chronic illnesses and an early death, unless they learn the facts about their bodies' inability to cope with salt and the need, therefore, to minimise the amount of sodium they consume. - ALL obese people need to know that dieting/'slimming' is dangerous, unnecessary and counter-productive. - 'Slimming' DOES NOT WORK and is harmful.
Lose weight by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
See my website
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Posted by
1:58 pm
Labels: 'Make Poverty History’, BBC, bias, G8, Gleneagles summit, Obesity, Obesity and the Salt connection, scientific evidence, Sunday Telegraph, vulnerable to salt
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