Abortion time limit to be investigated by MPs - Telegraph
"An inquiry into whether the upper time limit for abortions should be reduced is to be carried out by MPs.
The Commons' science and technology committee will examine whether scientific evidence supports a drop in the present 24-week maximum.
It will also look at whether the requirement for two doctors' signatures should be abolished, and whether nurses and midwives should be allowed to carry out abortions during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.
At present only doctors can carry out surgical abortions and prescribe the pills for a medical abortion.
Advances in the survival rates of premature babies have led to calls for a reduction in the 24-week limit.
The committee will examine scientific and medical evidence but will not look at ethical and moral issues of the time limit. Dr Evan Harris, a Lib Dem member of the committee, said: "Given that the Government has failed to conduct any sort of review, it is good that a cross-party group on both sides of the ethical argument is now doing so."
Abortions are allowed beyond 24 weeks only if a serious abnormality with the foetus or a serious risk to mother's health is discovered."
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
Abortion time limit to be investigated
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5:36 pm
Labels: abortion, Evan Harris, The Commons' science and technology committee
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