Parents are being advised against putting ham sandwiches into children's lunchboxes in this BBC report. Other cured, salted, smoked and processed meats are also advised against. The reason given (by the World Cancer Research Fund) is that these meats increase the risk of bowel cancer in later life.
I agree with the WCRF that these meats are not good for children. Salty food, in particular, is not good for children. As well as increasing the risk of bowel cancer (and most other cancers too) it is the cause of child obesity. Unfortunately the Food Standards Agency says it is OK to give children cured, salted, smoked and processed meats occasionally. - Well it's not OK - not if you want your children to be as healthy as possible, and also to avoid becoming overweight.
Salt, of course, could properly be regarded as a carcinogen.
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Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
Vulnerable groups
And see Sodium in foods