'Stress threatens epidemic of heart disease' - Telegraph
"The stress of everyday life is threatening a global epidemic of cardiovascular disease, a report by international health experts has warned.
High blood pressure is a "silent condition" which is "grossly underestimated" by patients, their families, medics and politicians, according to the study unveiled at the European Parliament in Brussels.
The move towards "Westernised" lifestyles - associated with high-fat diets, long working hours and lack of exercise - is partly to blame. But by 2025 almost two thirds of the world's adults could have high blood pressure."
What nonsense! - 'Stress' is a weasel word. - People use it to mean exactly what they want it to mean. Here the word 'stress' is being used to cover up the real causes of heart disease and the people/power groups responsible for the high incidence of heart disease and so many other diseases.
Overwhelmingly there are two main causes of high blood pressure. One is salt sensitivity, and that is mainly caused by the side-effects of many - maybe even by most - of the drugs that doctors routinely prescribe far too much, frequently in far too high a dose. The other is the very grave effects of decades of misinformation and catastrophically wrong advice given by the medical profession and other supposed 'experts' about the causes and treatment of obesity.
These two factors lead to increased sodium and water retention in the blood stream, weakened blood vessel walls, thinning skin, strain on the heart because of the greater blood volume, leading in turn a host of ill-health problems of varying degrees of seriousness, including an enlarged heart and events like strokes from cerebral haemorrhage, and heart disease, heart attack, internal bleeding, obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer, high cholesterol levels, cirrhosis of the liver and other liver damage, kidney damage, tiredness, poor sleep, red face, sleep apnoea, snoring, varicose veins, tendency to bruise easily, headaches and migraines, depression, thinning skin, pain, osteoporosis... the list is literally endless. - See some of them here: http://www.wildeaboutsteroids.co.uk/conditions.html
Read about the politics of all this medical negligence and ignorance, the dereliction of duty of successive Chief Medical Officers at the inappropriately named Department of Health(!), political unconcern and complacency, the food industry that persisted in ladling extremely high quantities of salt into their processed foods and putting pressure on government departments to let them continue to do so, the harm done by the pharmaceutical companies, etc on this page - http://www.wildeaboutsteroids.co.uk/story.html - and the wider issues on this page http://www.wildeaboutsteroids.co.uk/socio.html
You may like to read my Mensa article here Obesity and the Salt Connection
Lose weight by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
See my website www.wildeaboutsteroids.co.uk
(The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.)
If you need further help/info, I can be emailed from my website.
Friday, April 20, 2007
The stress of everyday life is threatening a global epidemic of cardiovascular disease, a report by international health experts claims.
Posted by
9:44 am
Labels: adverse side-effects, enlarged heart, heart disease, high blood pressure, Medical Negligence, Obesity, Prescribed medications, Salt Sensitivity, sodium retention, The Telegraph, water retention
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