EU Consumers are still overwhelmingly opposed to GM food, new research published by the European Commission shows.
Read article at
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
EU Consumers reject GM food
Posted by
4:53 pm
Labels: EU, European Commission, GM foods
More retailers are being asked to use ‘reared without GM’ labels
European supermarkets are coming under NGO pressure to label produce from animals reared on non-GMO feed, following a move from Carrefour.
Read article at
Posted by
4:44 pm
Labels: food labelling, non-GMO feed, supermarkets
Monday, November 29, 2010
Low Carb, High Fat: LCHF. This is such an engaging little video about losing weight.
I apologise for its title, but this little video is really so good and great fun to watch.
It's from a Swedish paleo type movement, LCHF (Low Carb High Fat).
Note: Paleo is short for paleolithic, and refers to the (Old) Stone Age. Obviously Stone Age people had a very low intake of salt/sodium.
Posted by
3:09 pm
Labels: LCHF, Lose weight, Lose weight naturally, Low Carb High Fat, low salt intake, low sodium intake, paleo, Stone Age Diet, youtube
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Telegraph reports that drug and cosmetics firms intend to eliminate animal testing
Posted by
9:29 pm
Labels: adverse side-effects, anti-vivisection, drug testing, pharmaceutical drugs, vivisection
Bernard Matthews: A man whose debased food products have harmed the health of many thousands of people
The Guardian's obituary for Bernard Matthews: A man whose debased food products have harmed the health of many thousands of people. This obituary seems a fitting tribute.
I always think, in particular, of the school-children who were served his highly-salted, toxic, Turkey Twizzlers as their school dinners, thereby damaging their health at that time and also giving them the taste for salty meals that would continue to damage them throughout their adult years. Children need to be protected from salt and salty food.
The Education Authorities and the Health Authorities that permitted children's health to be damaged by perversions of food in order to save money and to prosper big business, share the responsibility for harming those innocent children, and for much of the nation's present ill-health by way of obesity, high blood pressure, heart problems, stroke, diabetes, cancer, arthritis et al.
Posted by
3:35 pm
Labels: Bernard Matthews, British School Dinners, children's health, Turkey Twizzlers, Turkeys
Saturday, November 27, 2010
EU announces ban on use of bisphenol A (BPA) in babies' bottles from next year
EU announces ban on use of bisphenol A (BPA) in babies' bottles from next year. See BBC News report. That's welcome news.
Posted by
8:00 pm
Labels: babies' bottles, bisphenol-A
Friday, November 26, 2010
Nutrition Science or Nutrition Science Betrayed?
The War for Nutrition Science Integrity
"The American Society for Nutrition (ASN), the largest society for nutrition researchers in the US, openly receives support from pharmaceutical companies like Abbott Nutrition and Martek Biosciences, genetic engineering and pesticide giant Monsanto, food processor ConAgra, and junk food suppliers and producers Coca-Cola, Mars, Kraft, McDonald’s, General Mills, and Kellogg’s, not to mention the Sugar Association, Inc. (among many others). Think about that: an organization claiming “excellence in nutrition research and practice” receives major funding from companies making drugs, pesticides, and some of the most health-damaging foods on the planet."
We must all stand up and be counted in the battle against pharmaceutical junk, food junk and manipulated junk science. Good nutrition should be our civilisation’s foundation and a legacy to be bequeathed to future generations. Our health is being sold by scoundrels and bought by arch-criminals.
Read article on the website of the Alliance for Natural Health (USA)
Posted by
2:51 pm
Labels: Abbott Nutrition, American Society for Nutrition, Big Pharma, Coca-Cola, ConAgra, Junk Food, Kellogg's, Kraft, Martek Biosciences, McDonald's, Monsanto, Nutrition, pharmaceutical junk
An apocalyptic vision of the future for Ireland's working class under the thumb of the EU and the IMF
Europe’s Dirty Secret: Financial Elite Looting Public Treasuries
Read article on the Centre for Research on Globalization website
Justin Webb is turning me off the Today programme
I used to like Justin Webb's well-modulated voice and thoughtful contributions from America to the BBC News on television. I have a very different view of his work today.
He started off on the wrong foot by replacing Ed Stourton, a broadcaster of great intelligence and experience and unfailing courtesy to interviewees - a courtesy that accompanied mastery of complex material, and did not preclude rigorous inquisition when appropriate. I was sorry that the Today programme lost Stourton, though of course he is not lost to Radio 4 itself.
Webb has fairly recently fashioned himself into a boor with a posh voice, and his patently insincere and constantly repeated, "Sorry to interrupt you," coming as it does mere seconds into his interviewee's scarce-begun reply to a question asked by Webb, and in which you would think he had an interest, is turning me off Today. These ritual ill-mannered interruptions are not forensic questioning to get at the truth; they are an attempt by Webb to make a name for himself. - Unfortunately that name is Boring.
Posted by
10:49 am
Labels: BBC Radio 4, Ed Stourton, Justin Webb, Today programme
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Just say No to GMOs!
Just say No to GMOs! Read on about how "GM foods can create unpredictable, hard-to-detect side effects, including allergies, toxins, new diseases, and nutritional problems." Protect human health and the health of other animals and other species by saying No to GMO.
Posted by
3:46 pm
Labels: GM foods, responsible technology
Thinking of having a flu jab?
Before deciding to to have the flu vaccination I recommend you read this thoughtful article, written by a medical doctor whose careful evaluations of the evidence I respect. I think you may then decide against having it. Speaking for myself, I haven't had a flu jab for many years - nor any other vaccination, come to that...
A good, natural, non-drug way to protect yourself from infections like colds and flu is to eat plenty of good food (i.e. not processed food) and optimise your nutrition, especially by ensuring you are not deficient in Vitamin D and other important nutrients. And hand hygiene/hand washing is very important because flu microbes can be passed from nose to hand and from hand to another person's hand or from hand to eye by rubbing your eyes, etc.
Avoid 'slimming', because insufficient food/inadequate nutrition lowers your immunity to infection and leaves you less able to fight it and to recover from it. If you want to lose weight, do it the safe, sure, rapid, natural way by avoiding salty and salty food and avoiding diet junk and weight loss drugs.
Posted by
11:47 am
Labels: Flu advice, flu jab, flu vaccination, infection transmission, Vitamin D
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Improve your health by eating more like the hunter-gatherers and by avoiding added salt, and by avoiding pharmaceutical drugs
For millions of years our species ate what we might call for the sake of brevity a Stone Age diet. These 'hunter-gatherers' lived in the Paleolithic Age. We are separated in time from them by a 'mere' 10-12 thousand years. Our genes are our inheritance from those ancestors of ours, modified by natural selection over that geneological 'blink of a eye' since Neolithic, the New Stone Age, succeeded the old. This brought farming to the service of our kind. It was a mixed blessing: more food to feed more people, but a radical change of diet that caused some harm to the people who ate it.
The Paleolithic diet had mainly comprised meat, fish, nuts, non-starchy vegetables and fruit. The new foods of the Neolithic diet included cereals, i.e. grains. Grains make up such a large part of the modern day diet that it bears little resemblance to the hunter-gatherers' food of long ago and cannot logically be considered best suited to our species, the genes of which have not altered to suit it.
What 'food substance' have I not specifically mentioned? - SALT! - Salt is an even more recent newcomer to the modern diet. Humans started to eat added salt, it has been estimated, between 5,000 and 2,500 years ago, and in recent decades the food industry has, by adding copious amounts of salt to its processed foods, ensured that there wasn't a snowball's chance in Hell that our bodies could possibly adapt to so massive a change from the low sodium intake of our ancestors to the very high sodium intake of our societies today.
The outcome is that modern food is unsuitable for the health and nutrition of most people today and this partly explains the growing incidence of what we have come to think of as the new diseases of civilisation - diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, stroke, dementia, etc. And of obesity.
The even more recent scourge that is afflicting our species is the rapidly increasing ingestion of pharmaceutical drugs recklessly prescribed by an over-powerful medical profession, under-informed about the harm their prescriptions do to their unfortunate patients.
You could improve your health, rapidly and immediately, by seriously cutting down on your intake of salt and salty food, by cutting down on sugar and cereals/grains, and by avoiding prescription drugs unless they really are necessary. - Why not start in this way to improve your health this very day? - You have nothing to lose but excess weight, some avoidable pain, and the unnecessary risk of degenerative illnesses. - I wish you Good Health!
Posted by
2:56 pm
Labels: cereals, degenerative diseases, eat less salt, excess weight, grains, hunter-gatherers, improve your health, Obesity, pharmaceutical drugs, Stone Age Diet
The transgressions of the EU and the folly of the Eurozone
The transgressions of the EU and the folly of the eurozone. Read these articles assembled here: Reject the EU!
Posted by
10:50 am
Labels: EU, eurozone, Reject the EU
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Suggestion for makers and sellers of tiny softgels
Some dietary supplement retailers supply their products in the form of softgels. I am currently taking supplementary vitamin D3 in the form of tiny softgels. I find them easier to swallow than caplets. But my, they are little rascals! - You tip the container to get one out, and if you are a tad too fast/clumsy and spill a few, then away they go like spilt quicksilver, eager to escape their bounds. I think if the manufacturers or retailers could imprison them in some sort of device to dole out one tiny softgel at a time when you depress a button it would save purchasers a few little searches over the kitchen floor...(o:
Posted by
8:09 pm
Labels: dietary supplements, softgels
Overpaid top hospital consultants continue to ride the gravy train
The Telegraph reports that despite Britain's austerity measures and cuts in public spending, and the assurances made by the ConLib government - to overhaul the system, limiting rewards which currently give most consultants bonuses for life - massive lifetime rewards have continued to be awarded to the top consultants. The awards are meant to be for "outstanding contributions to patient care or research" and yet they are received by more than half of doctors! - How can more than half of them be outstanding? - The correct answer to that question, as you well know, is that they can't. It's got to be a fix, hasn't it? - Overpaid and on the make is a common moral failing in these materialistic days...)o: - Oops! - I forgot! - It's medical ethics, no doubt...
Posted by
4:22 pm
Labels: medical ethics, merit awards, money-grubbing doctors, NHS
Friday, November 19, 2010
Prescribed medications are responsible for more than 3% of road traffic crashes in France
Prescribed medications are responsible for more than 3% of road traffic crashes in France.
The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims takes place on the third Sunday of November every year as the appropriate acknowledgment of victims of road traffic crashes and their families. It was started by RoadPeace in 1993 and was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2005.
Read article at
Posted by
12:02 pm
Labels: Prescribed medications, road safety, Roadpeace, traffic accidents
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Dr Mercola pillories drug industry's corporate criminality
Dr Mercola pillories Big Pharma's corporate criminality: read this shocking article.
Posted by
12:24 pm
Labels: Big Pharma, corporate criminality, Dr Mercola, drug industry
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Truthman speaks out against GlaxoSmithKline
Truthman speaks out here against nefarious practices by GlaxoSmithKline, the drug company. He writes about the illegal marketing of depression drug Wellbutrin as a weight-loss aid, and the tragedies caused by SSRI anti-depressants, including Prozac, Seroxat, Citalopram and Zyprexa, because of their grave side-effects. If you ever think of taking any of this pharmaceutical junk yourself, I urge you to ponder Truthman's words and the words of Dr David Healy, an expert on SSRI drugs, and think again. Improving your nutrition is far more likely to lessen depression than any pharmaceutical mind-altering drugs. Can you really trust GSK or other drug companies with the safety of your brain/mind when you read of their iniquitous behaviour? - Your brain is not infinitely elastic. Guard it from assault by psychotropic drugs.
Posted by
9:10 pm
Labels: Citalopram, David Healy, depression, GlaxoSmithKline, GSK, Prozac, psychotropic drugs, Seroxat, SSRIs, Truthman, Wellbutrin, ZYPREXA
Study suggests garlic capsules help to lower high blood pressure/hypertension
Read this BBC News webpage where there is a great deal more detail about this. Speaking for myself, I try to eat a few cloves of garlic a day and I believe it is doing me good. - A safe, rapid way to reduce high blood pressure naturally without using drugs (which always have undesirable side-effects), is to cut down on salt and salty food. This provides many other health benefits too. - Do yourself a favour and cut down on your salt intake. - You will feel so much better!
Posted by
1:58 pm
Labels: garlic capsules, Health, high blood pressure, hypertension, Salt Intake
I lost 50 pounds excess weight in 14 months by simply cutting down on salt and salty food
I lost 50 pounds excess weight in 14 months by simply cutting down on salt and salty food. I just lost it steadily during that time, without gaining weight at all except when I bought and ate a ready-made sandwich while I was out one day and that week gained a pound. (Bread is very fattening for overweight people because it contains a lot of added salt.)
If you are overweight/fat/obese, you too could lose weight easily and safely by eating less salt and salty food. There is no need to go hungry or to count calories and definitely no need to damage your health by taking weight loss drugs or appetite suppressants. Just eat less salt and salty food. - You will feel so much better!
Posted by
12:05 pm
Labels: eat less salt and salty food, fat people, Lose weight easily, obese people, overweight people
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Today is World Diabetes Day
Today, 14th November 2010, is World Diabetes Day. Here is a page of links to good advice/information for people with diabetes or metabolic syndrome, and for other people to reduce their risk of developing diabetes. It is also helpful to cut down on salt and salty food.
Posted by
11:45 am
Labels: cut down on salt and salty food, Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, reduce risk of developing diabetes, World Diabetes Day
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Department of Health favours Big Business over Public Health for its policy on Obesity, Alcohol and diet-related disease
Lose weight by eating less salt! - Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better.
Posted by
8:50 pm
Labels: alcohol, Department of Health, food policy, Kellogg's, KFC, McDonald's, Obesity, Turkey Twizzlers
NHS provides poor care for elderly surgery patients
Posted by
4:23 pm
Labels: BBC Radio 4, elderly patients, Nutrition, pain management, pain prevention, pain relief, Today programme
Friday, November 12, 2010
Monsanto's Roundup herbicide link to birth defects and child cancer?
Monsanto's Roundup herbicide link to birth defects and child cancer? Intimidatory mob seeks to stifle criticism and discussion. Read article and comments at
Posted by
12:24 pm
Labels: agribusiness, biotech industry, birth defects, genetically engineered crops, glyphosate, herbicide, Monsanto, Roundup
Thursday, November 11, 2010
NICE issues draft guidance that broken hips should be operated on on the day of admission or the day after
NICE has issued draft guidance that broken hips should be operated on on the day of admission or the day after, as reported by the Telegraph, in order to reduce complications. The report states that "in some hospitals around half of patients wait longer than 48-hours for surgery even though evidence shows it doubles the risk of major complications and death."
Surely this is a no-brainer! If delay "doubles the risk of major complications and death," what on earth are surgeons thinking of? - How can they routinely be doubling the risk of their hip fracture patients (who are mainly elderly, and many of whom are frail and ill) suffering major complications and death? This is disgraceful. Is it an example of covert age discrimination?
The longer the delay, the more pain the patients will suffer, the more physiotherapy and other rehabilitation they will need, the longer stay in hospital, the more support/care at home. - All avoidable extra suffering, all avoidable extra expense.
I've never had a hip fracture, thankfully, but I've had a very complicated fracture of the humerus, which needed an operation. If I had had the operation within a few days, as I was promised on admission to the Northern General Hospital, I would have been back at home again within a week, I am sure, little the worse from the fracture. But because my agonising pain from the splint was discounted and it was almost a fortnight before the arm was operated on, there was massive damage to my right hand - mainly radial nerve palsy and ulna nerve injury - and my stay in hospital lasted a month instead of the few days it would have been with prompt treatment. My (dominant) right hand was completely unusable and intensely painful for months. No one in the system ever apologised or even expressed regret.
I needed many months of physiotherapy and occupational therapy before I could move the hand at all. - It takes you a few seconds to read that sentence. - Just think of having to cope with that yourself: months with a swollen hand, totally unusable and exquisitely tender to the slightest touch. And I have had to have carers to help me since then, though I previously had managed without. Are these inexcusable delays attributable to callousness, ignorance, incompetence or what? - They are certainly unnecessary and they benefit no-one.
Posted by
12:36 pm
Labels: avoidable deaths, delays in treatment, hip fracture, NHS 'care', NHS hospitals, NICE
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
If David Cameron speaks out on the subject of human rights abuses while in China
Posted by
10:51 pm
Labels: chemical coshes, David Cameron, human rights abuses, NHS 'care', tranquillisers
Medical Journals Also Have Conflicts Of Interest
Much attention has been paid to conflicts of interest relating to the pharmaceutical industry, but where do medical journals fit in this equation? A new study notes that journals also have vested interests that warrant disclosure. Specifically, industry-supported clinical trials can boost a journal’s so-called impact factor by generating greater distribution of reprints that increase citation rates and, of course, revenue. The trials are often supported by drugmakers, which purchase reprints.
Read article at
Posted by
3:42 pm
Labels: clinical trials, medical journals, Pharmaceutical industry
Novartis Downplayed Bone Drugs' Risks, Lawyer Told Jurors
Novartis AG officials downplayed risks that the drugmaker’s bone-strengthening medicines Aredia and Zometa could destroy patients’ jaws, a lawyer for a woman suing the company told a North Carolina jury. Officials of the Basel, Switzerland-based drug company got reports from doctors as early as 2002 that Rita Fussman and other cancer patients taking Aredia and Zometa to prevent bone loss during treatment suffered irreplaceable jawbone damage, Bob Germany, a lawyer for Fussman’s family, said in opening statements in a trial over the medicines.
Read article at
Posted by
2:36 pm
Labels: adverse side-effects, Aredia, bone loss, jawbone damage, Novartis, Rita Fussman, Zometa
Dangerous chemicals lining some junk food wrappers are being ingested along with the food
"University of Toronto scientists have found that chemicals used to line junk food wrappers and microwave popcorn bags are migrating into food and being ingested by people where they are contributing to chemical contamination observed in blood." - Read ScienceDaily news item here.
Posted by
2:03 pm
Labels: contaminated food, iffy chemicals, Junk Food
Monday, November 08, 2010
Addictive tranx drugs recklessly over-prescribed long ago are linked to lasting brain damage
Posted by
12:44 pm
Labels: Catherine Hopkins, Esther Rantzen, Independent on Sunday, Librium, Medical Negligence, Mogadon, pharmaceutical junk, tranquillisers, Valium
Saturday, November 06, 2010
U.S. Government Says Human and Other Genes Should Not Be Eligible for Patents
The new position could have a huge impact on medicine and on the biotechnology industry. The new position was declared in a friend-of-the-court brief filed by the Department of Justice in a case involving two human genes linked to breast and ovarian cancer. “We acknowledge that this conclusion is contrary to the longstanding practice of the Patent and Trademark Office, as well as the practice of the National Institutes of Health and other government agencies that have in the past sought and obtained patents for isolated genomic DNA,” the brief said.
Read article in the New York Times (USA)
Comment from Dr Rath Foundation: The U.S. federal government should be applauded for taking this important position against the multi-trillion dollar “business with disease.” The human genome − the blueprint of life and the biological basis of our existence − belongs to all mankind. Efforts to own this genetic code with the goal to re-build, sell and manipulate the human body or parts of it for corporate gain, should therefore be prohibited.
Posted by
2:19 pm
Labels: DNA, genes, genetic code, human genome, Patents
Friday, November 05, 2010
CEOs should be prosecuted when pharmaceutical companies break the law
CEOs should be prosecuted when pharmaceutical companies break the law.
See this NewScientist article by Paul Thacker, an investigator at the Project On Government Oversight, a non-profit organisation exposing waste, fraud and abuse in federal government.
Posted by
6:00 pm
Labels: Big Pharma, corporate corruption of science, Paul Thacker, Pharmaceutical companies, scientific fraud, Sleaze in the Medical Profession
Indian Farmers Protesting Against GM Crops
Indian farmers have been mobilizing to protest the introduction of genetically modified crops into India and what they see as a takeover of Indian agriculture by Monsanto and other multinational biotech giants. The protesters say the crops are disrupting the domestic seed market and reducing income for all farmers.
Read article on the EIN News website
Posted by
11:25 am
Labels: biotech companies, genetically modified crops, GM crops, India, Monsanto
Philip Larkin: Letters to Monica - Radio 4's Book of the Week
Next month will see the 25th anniversary of Larkin's death. There are some celebratory (free) lectures still to come at the University of Hull. For details see this Philip Larkin Society webpage.
Posted by
12:01 am
Labels: BBC Radio 4, Book of the Week, Letters to Monica, Philip Larkin
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
ANH seeks donations to fund legal battle against EU herb laws
The Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH-Intl) and the European Benefyt Foundation (EBF) have issued a call for €100,000 in donations to fund legal battle against the 2004 Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive.
Read article at
Comment: To learn more about the proposed legal challenge to the ‘Brussels EU’ bans on traditional herbal medicines, click here.
Posted by
10:22 pm
Labels: Alliance for Natural Health International, EU, traditional herbal medicines
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Australians draw attention to the health benefits of lower salt intake and the need for mandatory reductions in salt content of manufactured foods
Australia's experts are pointing out that voluntary reductions are not having much effect because of the self-serving irresponsibility of the food companies. Read Telegraph article. It is certainly high time that salt content of processed food be limited by law.
Read about the politics of salt reduction.
Posted by
11:59 pm
Labels: Health, Processed food, Salt reduction
Monday, November 01, 2010
Zoe has some good ideas about reducing obesity
This Daily Mail article informs us that Zoe Harcombe has written a book which attributes the increasing incidence of obesity on a radical change in government dietary advice a few decades ago, and the promulgation of myths about what is healthy food and how to reduce obesity. I tend to agree with her and I believe that people who follow her advice are likely to be successful in losing some of their excess weight and in improving their health. I especially agree with her in her criticism of the involvement of the food and drink industry in public health advice.
The article does not, however, mention salt intake or salt sensitivity, or that people who are sensitive or vulnerable to salt gain weight because of salt intake, which for them results in fluid retention leading to obesity. Salt and salty food is indeed the main cause of child obesity. Protecting toddlers and small children from high salt intake protects them from many health problems in addition to protecting them from the main factor in children becoming obese.
The other very important omission from the article is the role of pharmaceutical drugs in causing obesity. Prescribed drugs are a major cause of obesity, since many, possibly most, prescription drugs cause fluid retention/obesity when they are taken for an extended period of time. Drugs that routinely tend to cause overweight/obesity include many steroids, HRT, most anti-depressants, anti-epileptics, anti-psychotics, etc. See steroids and HRT and amitriptyline and other anti-depressants.
See Sodium in Foods and my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection. You may also like to read my political page about salt, pharmaceuticals and medical misinformation leading to obesity and a host of avoidable ill-health and suffering.
Lose weight by eating less salt! - Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
Posted by
9:27 pm
Labels: anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, avoid salt and salty food, child obesity, Fluid Retention, HRT, Lose weight, Obesity, Prescribed Steroids, prescription drugs, Zoe Harcombe