Eleven-month-old Colombian baby is the weight of an eight-year-old
Article in the Telegraph - Do have a look at the article and see the photo/video of the baby!
"The child's mother, Milena Orosco de Agudelo, said her son's unusual growth spurt began when he was just two months old.
He has had several medical examinations carried out which suggest he may have a problem with his endocrine system.
Miss Orosco de Agudelo said: "He had some tests done and the results show that he has a thyroid malfunction."
"Doctor David Dias, of the Barranquilla Pediatric Hospital, said more examinations need to be carried out to discover why the child has become so large."
My personal opinion is that thyroid problems could not cause obesity on this massive scale. - Since the baby was OK until he was 2 months old, I reckon the likelihood is that for some reason or other doctors prescribed medication for him that caused him to become extremely sensitive to salt and therefore to have huge volume of fluid retention. Unwisely prescribed medications are the main cause of morbid obesity. I believe that as a matter of urgency the baby should be put onto diuretic medication to see if it helps. - I am sure that it will. - Other than that, I believe that the baby's food should be kept very strictly low in sodium.
Otherwise I believe his life will be short and full of pain/problems. Poor little soul...)o:
Lose weight, reduce your risk of most cancers, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, heart attack, vascular dementia, osteopenia, osteoporosis, hypercholesterolaemia, depression, liver and kidney problems, and improve your health in many other ways without drugs or expense by eating less salt! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!