Lose weight by eating less salt! - Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
See my website
Wilde About Steroids

Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection

Read my Mensa article on Cruelty, Negligence and the Abuse of Power in the NHS: Fighting the System

Read about the cruel treatment I suffered at the Sheffield Dental Hospital: Long In The Toothache

You can contact me by email from my website. The site does not sell anything and has no banners, sponsors or adverts - just helpful information about how salt can cause obesity.

This blog has been exported to a new URL so that readers can leave Comments again. If you want to leave a Comment, please visit my 'new' blog, which has Comments enabled. The 'new' blog is Wilde About Obesity.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Just say No! to GMO: like Hungary, India, Poland

Just say No! to GMO: like Hungary, India, Poland

Like Hungary:
Some 400 hectares of maize found to have been grown with genetically modified seeds have been destroyed throughout Hungary deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Lajos Bognar said. The GMO maize has been ploughed under, but pollen has not spread from the maize, he added. Unlike several EU members, GMO seeds are banned in Hungary.
Read article at allaboutfeed.net

Like India:
Citizens say no to GM food and multinational seed corporations promoting them
NEW DELHI: On Quit India day, Greenpeace projected “Monsanto Quit India” on the India Gate highlighting the national opposition to the multinational seed companies like Monsanto.
Read press release at greenpeace.org
India Sues Monsanto Over Genetically-Modified Eggplant
Read article at forbes.com

Like Poland:
Polish president vetoes bill allowing GMO seeds
Read news report at reuters.com

Low vitamin D linked to earlier menarche

Low vitamin D link to earlier first menstruation, a risk factor for health problems throughout life
A study links low vitamin D in young girls with early menstruation, which is a risk factor for a host of health problems for teen girls as well as women later in life.
Read article at medicalxpress.com

I remember many years ago reading that high sugar intake was associated with starting periods early, but no doubt there are many associated factors.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Nurofen Plus Recall: Sabotage suspected

BBC News reports that in the matter of Nurofen Plus recall of stock, sabotage is suspected in some packets. "Four packs were found to contain Seroquel XL 50mg. The packs were bought in Victoria, Bromley and Beckenham in south London. Another tampered pack, containing a prescription medicine for epilepsy, was uncovered in Northern Ireland." Seroquel is an antipsychotic drug. "Most people who take one Seroquel will just experience sleepiness, but those on sedatives could feel stronger effects."

So there are dangers, hopefully small, if anyone mistakenly takes Seroquel or possibly an anti-epilepsy drug, and this prudent, well-publicised product recall will minimise those dangers. - But I would like to point out that Nurofen Plus is itself a dangerous drug, despite being an OTC (over-the-counter) medication. - It is a highly addictive painkiller, which should not be taken for more than 3 days because of this highly addictive quality. In overdose, it can also cause serious liver damage and death. It is a mistake to assume that painkillers are harmless drugs. They are not.

Hospitals still cover up poor standards and neglect and still give scant regard to complaints

UK hospitals still cover up poor standards and neglect and still give complaints scant regard. See this Telegraph report. I strongly suggest reading the comments beneath the report too. Unaccountability shames our health service and ensures that its many failings continue. I know from horrifying personal experience the cruel futility of complaining about NHS treatment.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Overprescribing of powerful painkillers soars in UK, leading to addiction and to death by overdose

The Independent has a report on massive overprescribing of powerful painkillers by UK GPs, leading to addiction and to death by overdose among their unfortunate patients. It is, or ought to be, well-known by doctors that chronic pain is often unresponsive to painkillers. When patients return for more and more pills in order to take a higher dose it should be obvious that the pills are not working and should be gradually discontinued. - A safe, non-drug way to reduce chronic pain is to lower sodium intake, i.e. eat less salt and salty food.

Study links high salt intake by elderly people with increased risk of dementia

A Canadian study links high salt intake by elderly people with increased risk of dementia, as the Daily Mail reports. So salt can impair brain power and memory, as well as increasing blood pressure, risk of stroke, heart attack, heart disease, diabetes, depression, arthritis, asthma, kidney damage, liver damage, most cancers, osteoporosis, increased risk of fractures and many other degenerative health conditions.

The good news is that if you have had your health damaged by eating too much salt, you can immediately, dramatically and safely improve every aspect of your health and every organ of your body by seriously cutting down on salt and salty food. - And if you are overweight or obese you will also lose weight when you reduce your salt intake. - Go on! - Try cutting down on salt and salty food! - You will feel sooo much better...(o:

Monday, August 22, 2011

Pregnant? The Horizon programme on BBC2 tonight could be of special interest to you

BBC2's Horizon programme tonight at 9pm is about the crucial importance of those nine months in the womb. Those months may well be the most important time of life, may critically determine the destiny, especially the health, of the unborn baby.

"Horizon explores the secrets of what makes a long, healthy and happy life. It turns out that a time you can't remember - the nine months you spend in the womb - could have more lasting effects on you today than your lifestyle or genes. It is one of the most powerful and provocative new ideas in human science, and it was pioneered by a British scientist, Professor David Barker. His theory has inspired a field of study that is revealing how our time in the womb could affect your health, personality, and even the lives of your children."

Friday, August 19, 2011

Fat and fed up of feeling hungry and tired but still not getting slimmer?

Fat and fed up of feeling hungry and tired but still not getting slimmer? It's not fair, is it? - It's definitely not fair!

Now what to do about it, you're wondering? - Well I've some suggestions to make which I truthfully think you will find helpful. - Give up the dieting! - Give up the strenuous exercise you've been (vainly) hoping would 'burn off' some fat! - In other words, give up the deliberate and unhelpful hunger and exhaustion, and instead try seriously cutting down on salt.

I think you'll find that by eating less salt and salty food you will lose weight easily, safely and quickly. I have a webpage that tells you about which foods are high and which are low in salt/sodium. And I promise you that however much or little weight you lose this way, you will certainly feel a lot better and will be in better health. It won't make you hungry and it won't make you tired, but it will give you a very good chance of becoming slimmer and fitter. - What's not to like? - Go on! - Give it a try!

The cleverest guy I ever worked with was called Robin

It was when I worked in an engineering company. My boss always told us that Robin was the cleverest guy working for the company. He used to speak of Robin as a sort of genius. Robin was in R and D. That was not my department, but he and I were once sent to London together for a fortnight to do the same course. As we were staying in the same company building, attending all lectures together and eating together for pretty well all our meals, I briefly got to know Robin better than from just encountering him on his occasional visits to my department.

It was many years ago and all I remember in detail about him now is that he always ate eggs for his main course: every meal... A little strange. I don't remember if he ate vegetables; I expect he did, and probably had some fruit as well, I expect. I know if he had a starter it was always Cream of Tomato Soup. And he drank milk or water - usually milk - and no tea or coffee. And he didn't drink alcohol. He didn't make a big thing about what he ate. It sounds a bit boring, doesn't it? - But he was healthy and he was kind and friendly and happy, and he was very, very, very clever. Good at solving problems. He'd stick at a problem till he'd solved it.

We're all individual, and what suits one person may not suit another. Robin's food suited him, and he and his clever brain obviously thrived on it. It would not, I think, be varied enough to please many people. (Just a note: there were no battery hens in those days, and tinned soup was not as unhealthily high in salt as it is these days, and milk was much nicer and creamier than the homogenised liquid we have to buy these days, and produce wasn't laced with pesticides and antimicrobial contaminants as it is now.)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Invitation to the dance!

You sit at home in your comfy chair, lights dimmed, brain having a rest, when Wham! - the dancing on the little screen finds a way to slip from the screen and into your head... Your mind's eyes are engaged by the spectacle, your mind's ears become attuned to the music's evocation, your mind itself tunes in - and - what is this? - those troublesome, aching things at the ends of your legs have bestirred themselves and are calling upon you to "Join in the dance!"

Margaret Wilde © 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

At last some payouts for the first few victims out of the hundreds of Pfizer's Nigeria drug-trial victims

Read about it here. Why would Pfizer have chosen Africa for its drug trials, do you think? - I think we can make an educated guess. The legalities are easier. Possible victims would find it harder to seek compensation, even if they have managed to stay alive...

You could read John le Carré's novel The Constant Gardener or watch the excellent film of it, to learn rather more of the dark facts of African drug-trials. You may also find this blogpost of mine interesting. Sobering facts like these need to be borne in mind when new drugs are eagerly sought or welcomed. They come at a heavy cost, and it is not our cost.

Reducing salt intake is a global health priority say epidemiologists

The UN must make reducing salt intake a global health priority, say researchers, as reported here by BBC News. "Writing in the British Medical Journal they say a 15% cut in consumption could save 8.5 million lives around the world over the next decade. The report says practical steps to reduce consumption should be drawn up without delay. If voluntary measures do not work, the food industry should be compelled to cut salt levels, it says." (my emphasis)

Well you know, that's actually cheery, as I see it. - The message of these epidemiologists is clear, stark and honest; they're not temporising. They're not pretending that the food industry are doing any meaningful voluntary reducing of salt levels. - And if you look at that BMJ article itself I think you will be even more impressed by the unequivocal tone of their call to action.

And I'm impressed by the fact that they see the UN as the agency to address on this matter of the urgent need to reduce salt intake. Normally you'd assume that in a matter like this the World Health Organisation would be the agency approached. - Maybe these researchers have as low opinion of the WHO as I have, particularly when you cast your mind back to the scandalous shenanigans over the Swine Flu. See HERE, HERE, and HERE if you need reminders that health advisers we should be able to trust are far too often in the pockets of the pharmaceuticals industry. Bribery is the name of that game - or the euphemistic 'conflict of interest.'

As you must realise, I have for years been advising readers of my posts to eat less salt and salty food, and my advice is as clear and uncompromising and honest as the message of these researchers, so I welcome this report. And remember, when Morton Satin, a vice president at the industry body, the Salt Institute, rejects the report out of hand and says, "The salt reduction agenda has become an urban myth - far more based upon populist ideology than objective science," his words are dictated by his position as a spokesman/apologist for the Salt Industry.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Zyvox antibiotic and antidepressants together may prove fatal

Pfizer Inc.'s Zyvox antibiotic can cause potentially fatal central nervous system reactions in patients who also take antidepressants that increase levels of the brain chemical serotonin, U.S. regulators said.
Read article in the San Francisco Chronicle (USA)

This is Fluoride Awareness Week (Aug 7 - 13)

This is Fluoride Awareness Week (Aug 7 - 13). You may, as I did, find it interesting to read Dr Mercola's latest article warning of possible dangers from drinking fluoridated water.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Your dietary supplements are at risk

Your dietary supplements are at risk. Drug companies have great influence over FDA decisions and drug companies do not want us to have natural dietary remedies to safeguard and improve our health; they want us to take their expensive, hazardous, pharmaceutical products. The drug companies go to extraordinary lengths to limit our freedom to protect our health. - Read the National Health Federation's SAVE OUR SUPPLEMENTS.

Friday, August 05, 2011

NSAIDs painkillers increase risk of heart attack and stroke for heart disease patients

Study: Certain painkillers may raise odds of stroke, heart attack
Heart disease patients with high blood pressure who take a class of painkillers called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are at greater risk for heart attack, stroke or even death, new research shows. NSAIDs include popular medications such as such as aspirin, Celebrex, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve).
Read article on the USA Today website

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Your child car seat may contain toxic chemicals

Your child's car seat may contain toxic chemicals. A Michigan-based study has found that 60% of child car seats sold in Michigan contain dangerous chemicals. See this report. They helpfully list the most toxic and the least toxic car seats.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Salty food is very bad for babies and small children

Salty food is very bad for babies and small children. It harms them in many ways. Two new newspaper articles this week draw attention to the harmful effects of salty food on children. In the Telegraph we read that cow's milk is too salty for babies and in the Independent we learn of a study finding that parents are feeding babies too much salty food, e.g. bread and baked beans. Babies and small children need to be protected from salt, not just because of harm in the present - higher blood pressure, serious damage to their immature kidneys, raised risk of heart disease and stroke, type 2 diabetes and all the other degenerative health conditions - but because by developing a taste for salt, or even an addiction to salt, these health difficulties will multiply throughout their (very likely shortened) lives. Inappropriately high salt intake is also a major cause of child obesity. And see Sodium in Foods.

If you harm a baby by feeding it salty food, the harm is permanent; you cannot undo that harm later.