Paediatricians warn against Sports and Energy Drinks for Teenagers, TIME reports.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Warning against Sports and Energy Drinks for Teenagers
Posted by
2:11 pm
Labels: Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks, teenagers
Monday, May 30, 2011
Deplorable level of NHS obstetric care
Deplorable level of NHS obstetric care reported in the Daily Mail. "Peter Walsh, chief executive of Action for Victims of Medical Accidents, said: 'We never seem to make much progress with CTG failures. 'This problem has been around for years. Hundreds and hundreds of children have either been damaged or killed due to an inability to spot the warning signs of a baby in distress. I wonder if the NHS will ever learn.'"
Posted by
4:19 pm
Labels: Action Against Medical Accidents, AvMA, cardiotocogram tracing, CTG, NHS, NHS blunders, Peter Walsh
Taking Amitriptyline for oral/mouth pain is not a good idea
Doctors who prescribe amitriptyline for pain sometimes explain to the patient that amitriptyline is an antidepressant drug that can help with pain, but often these doctors deliberately deceive the patients into believing that amitriptyline actually is a painkiller and do not mention that it is an antidepressant, and that they are prescribing it because they have decided the patient is 'a depressive', not a person in pain. Doctors often confuse depression and pain, unfortunately.
Now 'dry mouth'/lack of saliva obviously makes dental decay more likely, especially of the lower teeth, since normally many of these are bathed in saliva most of the time, and this inbuilt natural 'mouthwash', therefore, protects the teeth to some extent from food residue clinging to them. Furthermore, saliva is a buffer solution which chemically protects teeth from acid attack. So existing mouth pain is likely to be augmented by the development of dental caries, making matters worse, not better.
Posted by
3:36 pm
Labels: amitriptyline, anti-depressants, caries, dental decay, dental problems, dry mouth, Long In The Toothache, prescribed drugs, saliva, toothache, tricyclic antidepressants
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Study suggests high dose vitamin D may boost exercise capacity for COPD sufferers
High dose supplements of vitamin D may increase the exercise capacity and strength of respiratory muscles in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), suggests a new study.
Read article at
Posted by
10:47 pm
Labels: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD, Vitamin D supplements
Study indicates 'bad' cholesterol not as bad as people think
The so-called "bad cholesterol" - low-density lipoprotein commonly called LDL - may not be so bad after all, shows a Texas A&M University study that casts new light on the cholesterol debate, particularly among adults who exercise.
Read article at
Comment: A scientific review of 22 cholesterol lowering trials published in the British Medical Journal in 1992 concluded that lowering serum cholesterol concentrations does not reduce mortality and is unlikely to prevent coronary heart disease.
Posted by
3:41 pm
Labels: CHD, cholesterol, coronary heart disease, LDL
Would your illness be alleviated/made less severe, or its progress retarded, by lowering your salt intake?
Would your illness/suffering/symptoms be relieved by lowering your salt intake? - The answer is YES if you are in one of these groups that are vulnerable to salt. - Check it out!
There are suggestions about ways to reduce salt intake on this Sodium in Foods page. I urge you to give it a try: there are so many health benefits from cutting down on salt - including reducing fluid retention/excess weight/obesity.
Posted by
2:16 pm
Labels: eat less salt, Fluid Retention, illness, improve your health, reduce weight, Salt Intake, sodium in foods, vulnerable to salt
Friday, May 27, 2011
Can there be another country that treats elderly patients worse than the UK?
Posted by
11:59 pm
Labels: Care Quality Commission, elderly patients, NHS, NHS Cruelty, UK hospitals
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Study suggests that Vitamin D helps with Psoriasis
Relief from red, itchy skin: Vitamin D helps to reduce the inflammation associated with psoriasis, a common skin condition that causes red, itchy patches on the skin, shows a new study.
Read article at
Posted by
8:32 am
Labels: inflammation, Itchy Skin, Psoriasis, red skin, Vitamin D
Monday, May 23, 2011
Does Peer Review ensure the quality and reliability of scientific articles?
You think that Peer Review ensures the quality and reliability of scientific and medical articles? - I'm sorry to disappoint you: it doesn't. - Here's the most recent article I've seen that details flaws and corruptions in the system.
Posted by
4:12 pm
Labels: corruption, medical articles, peer review, scientific articles
More about Drug Industry Ties to Medical Societies
ProPublica reports further about Drug Industry Ties to Medical Societies. "As we reported earlier this month, financial links between these professional societies and the drug and device industries are a widespread concern. The Heart Rhythm Society got nearly half of its $16 million in donations last year from companies that make drugs and devices used to control abnormal heart rhythms. The Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions took in $4.7 million, more than half of its total receipts in 2009, from drug and device manufacturers." In the words of the old proverb, "He who pays the piper, calls the tune," and in today's words, "Follow the money!"
Posted by
3:32 pm
Labels: corruption, drug and device manufacturers, Heart Rhythm Society, ProPublica, Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions
"The Plot Against the NHS" This review has the ring of truth
Dr Richard Horton is editor in chief of the Lancet, and in this Guardian article is reviewing The Plot Against the NHS by Colin Leys and Stewart Player. I recognise the chicanery and deceptions that have been practised by politicians of all hues for many years in all aspects of the NHS. While I am certainly not a fan of the NHS, the deficiencies of which I have frequently drawn attention to and deplored, I see no redeeming features in the privatisation of parts of it. What is overwhelmingly needed is proper accountability by the medical profession, the nursing profession and other healthcare professionals, and by the bureaucracies and management that administer both public and private healthcare. - By which I mean accountability to patients, who both as taxpayers and as private patients, pay the salaries of the Healthcare Industry, but are grossly ill-served both by the futile Complaints Procedures and by the partisan legal system, when they are harmed by professional negligence, ignorance or incompetence.
Posted by
2:52 pm
Labels: accountability, Colin Leys, NHS, Richard Horton, Stewart Player, The Plot Against the NHS
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Is your body trying to tell you something? And are you taking its message seriously?
Posted by
2:22 pm
Labels: anti-depressants, health problems, Obesity and the Salt connection, Prescribed medications, Salt Sensitivity
Anemia prescription drug that causes more harm than good
Read about Epogen, also known as Procrit, in this Bloomberg report. "A drug sold by Amgen Inc. and Johnson & Johnson for people with anemia didn’t reduce heart damage in patients who’d experienced heart attacks and may increase the chances of recurrence or death, a study found. Epogen, approved in 1989 as the first drug for Thousand Oaks, California-based Amgen, is used by patients undergoing kidney dialysis to boost their depleted red blood cells. J&J sells the drug as Procrit, mostly for cancer patients getting chemotherapy."
Posted by
11:49 am
Labels: adverse effects, Amgen, anemia, Epogen, Johnson and Johnson, prescribed drugs, Procrit
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Doctors are over-prescribing paracetamol to toddlers
The Telegraph reports that doctors are over-prescribing paracetamol to toddlers. "One-in-four young children are being given too much of the pain relief drug, putting them at risk of liver damage, scientists found. A study of medical records of some youngsters found that a quarter between the ages of one and three were prescribed an "excessive" paracetamol dosage by their doctor."
That is an extremely high proportion of toddlers being overdosed. I have blogged with my views about giving painkillers to babies/toddlers before. No-one wants to risk their child getting liver damage from taking painkillers. Paracetamol, aka Calpol, is not harmless. I advocate comfort and cuddles for little ones, rather than pharmaceutical painkiller drugs with all their risks. Unlike drugs, a kiss and a cuddle have no adverse side-effects:
Give a kiss and a hug,
Not a painkiller drug.
Posted by
11:40 am
Labels: Acetaminophen, British doctors, Calpol, child health, dangerous prescription drugs, painkillers, paracetamol
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I read an interesting book review this morning.
Posted by
5:21 pm
Labels: James B. Stewart, misinformation, Tangled Webs: How False Statements Are Undermining America
Sunday, May 15, 2011
ProPublica is investigating how drug company money reaches physicians
ProPublica is investigating how Pharmaceuticals Industry money reaches physicians, and the credentials and calibre of the physicians it uses. See this article.
Extract: "In 2001, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ordered Pennsylvania doctor James I. McMillen to stop “false or misleading” promotions of the painkiller Celebrex, saying he minimized risks and touted it for unapproved uses. Still, three other leading drug makers paid the rheumatologist $224,163 over 18 months to deliver talks to other physicians about their drugs."
There are many interesting Comments beneath the article.
Posted by
2:22 pm
Labels: bribery, corporate corruption of science, drug makers, Pharmaceutical companies, ProPublica
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Will Powell is campaigning with others for a Duty of Candour (Robbie's Law) in the hope that it would reduce medical errors and associated cover-ups
Among the online Comments beneath the Telegraph article about Lord Crisp's disgraceful attempts to cover up NHS hospital maternity deaths, is one by Will Powell, who tragically lost his 10-year-old son, Robbie, to gross medical negligence in 1990. Since his loss Will, whom I met some years ago at a SIN (Sufferers of Iatrogenic Neglect) conference, has been campaigning against lying by healthcare professionals, and against the cover-ups that permit them to treat patients negligently with complete impunity.
I hope you will read what Will Powell has written and be shocked by this extract: "As the law stands now, however, doctors have no duty to give parents of a child who died as a result of their negligence a truthful account of the circumstances of the death, nor even to refrain from deliberately falsifying records."
If you have not yet signed the petition for Robbie’s Law, you can access it here.
Posted by
5:00 pm
Labels: Medical Negligence, NHS, Robbie's Law, Will Powell
Lord Crisp, the Dept of Health, NHS hospital errors and political pressures
Posted by
4:32 pm
Labels: Department of Health, Healthcare Commission, Lord Crisp, NHS, patient safety, Prof Sir Ian Kennedy
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
What if it's not too much fat that you are carrying around? What if it's excess water weight?
What is it's not too much fat that you are carrying around? What if it's excess water weight? - That's right. - Have you considered that it could be fluid retention that is your problem? If it's fluid retention it is a simple matter to reduce it. You need to eat less salt and salty food.
Your excess weight is likely to be water weight/fluid retention if you are one of the people who are vulnerable to salt, also known as sensitive to salt. The vulnerable groups include people who take or have taken certain prescribed steroids, including prednisone and prednisolone, or certain other prescribed drugs, women who take or have taken HRT or other oestrogen-containing drugs such as some contraceptive medications, people who take or have taken amitriptyline or other tricyclic antidepressants, or SSRIs like Prozac, people who take or have taken some other psychotropic/psychoactive drugs, pregnant mothers, PMT sufferers and people who ate salt as children.
If you fall into one of the vulnerable groups I have listed or if you ate a high salt diet as a child you will be sensitive to salt. People without this problem can eat salty foods without doing a lot of harm to themselves, because their kidneys will excrete the sodium which is excess to their requirements. But for people sensitive to salt, some of the excess sodium, along with the water it attracts, will enter their blood stream and not be excreted. So they carry extra weight - as water - around with them all the time. They also lose more heat from their bodies because the surface area of their body has increased with the added water, and the rate at which a body loses heat is proportional to its surface area. - They therefore need extra calories to do the extra work and to provide the extra heat. - So their appetite increases in order to obtain these extra calories. - So they may very well eat more to satisfy their genuine need for calories. - If what they eat is salty, then the cycle will repeat itself and they are likely to become obese.
To break the cycle and put the process into reverse, all that is necessary for them to do is to eat less salt. And eating extra potassium by way of fresh fruit and vegetables will accelerate the excretion of the sodium and water and speed up the weight loss. If you want to lose weight, eat less salt!
Posted by
11:19 am
Labels: contraceptive pill, eat less salt, fat people, Fluid Retention, HRT, PMT, pregnant mothers, Prescribed Steroids, sensitive to salt, SSRIs, Vulnerable Groups, vulnerable to salt, water weight
Friday, May 06, 2011
Have you ever eaten red kidney beans?
Have you ever eaten red kidney beans? - I did once, many years ago. - My goodness, they made me so ill! - Diarrhoea and abdominal pain. I pretty well took up residence in the toilet for about 24 hours! - I had no idea food poisoning from a vegetable could be so bad! I hadn't known that red kidney beans contain the toxic agent Phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) which causes food poisoning when the beans are consumed raw or undercooked.
Too late I learnt that these red beans should be soaked in water for at least 5 hours during which the water should be replaced periodically, then poured away and the beans boiled briskly in fresh water, with occasional stirring, for at least 10 minutes. That seems an awful lot of messing about to ensure that a few beans don't poison you! - My considered advice is that it's better to be safe than sorry, i.e. avoid eating these toxic veg! - I'll certainly never touch them again. I'd rather go hungry...
Posted by
8:19 pm
Labels: diarrhoea, food poisoning, red kidney beans
Thursday, May 05, 2011
The medical drug-pushers are at it again: Wald still pressing for his polypills to be routinely prescribed to over-55s
Posted by
11:09 pm
Labels: blood pressure, cholesterol drug, conflicts of interest, heart disease, polypills, Sir Nicholas Wald, statins
Have you heard of Bifidobacteria?
Have you heard of Bifidobacteria? You should have done. Bifidobacteria are friends of yours...(o: They are some of the little beneficial microbes that live in your gut. They are sometimes referred to as Probiotics.
You've heard of Antibiotics I am sure. Now when we take antibiotics in order to treat an infection, as well as dealing with the baddie bacteria that are responsible for the infection, antibiotics unfortunately tend to kill off some of the friendly microbes like Bifidobacteria. This can lead to gut problems and many other problems, including thrush/candida and BV/bacterial vaginitis/bacterial vaginosis. And the harmful bacteria in the gut thrive and digestion is compromised. The immune system gets damaged and your risk of developing cancer increases.
But never fear! - Send Bifidobacteria to the rescue! - An easy way to increase the friendly bacteria in your gut and decrease the harmful bacteria, is to eat Probiotic dairy yogurt. - The best sort of probiotic yogurt to look for is that made from full fat milk that has come from cows that eat grass in the fields, not those poor cows that live in overcrowded, dark, unhealthy barns and eat pesticide-treated grains and are given antibiotics because of the poor hygiene. And you should avoid yogurt that has added sugar, because sugar feeds the baddie bacteria that cause those yeast infections like thrush. And you should also make sure the yogurt is organic. Personally I eat Probiotic Yeo Valley natural yogurt usually. It's delicious and it's good for your health. But it is not the only good probiotic wholemilk yogurt. - Why not try all the ones you can find? - Give your gut a treat! - Buy it some probiotic yogurt! - You can read more about Bifidobacteria and the ways it benefits our health by reading this Wikipedia article
Posted by
3:29 pm
Labels: antibiotics, bacterial vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, Bifidobacteria, BV, gut health, probiotic yogurt, sugar
Monday, May 02, 2011
Keep wishing your excess weight would simply fall off?
Do you keep wishing your excess weight would simply fall off? - Well there is a completely safe dietary change that has worked for many people. It doesn't involve going hungry or exercising, and, importantly, it doesn't involve taking drugs. It does involve seriously cutting down on salt and salty food. Read my Mensa article about my own experience of losing excess weight easily, and read about the Fat Man with the Red Face who also lost excess weight rapidly, easily and safely by following my advice. - Instead of just wishing, you could start today to lose that excess weight! - Go on! - Try it! - You'll feel so much better!
Posted by
5:10 pm
Labels: cut down on salt and salty food, lose excess weight, Lose weight safely, red face
Sunday, May 01, 2011
I am very tired and in very great pain.
Posted by
2:54 pm
Labels: constant pain, eat less salt and salty food, Health, intractable pain, pain, Salt Intake, tiredness