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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thousands of adverse reactions to GlaxoSmithKline's cervical-cancer-vaccine, Cervarix.

I believe the best protection against cervical cancer in teenage girls is to explain to them, and make sure they understand, that young girls are more susceptible to cervical cancer if they indulge in sexual activity before the cervix is sufficiently mature to deal with introduced infection from a partner. This is one of the many good reasons they should wait until they are older before they have sex.

The Telegraph
reports that there have been suspected adverse effects on more than two thousand schoolgirls after receiving the Cervarix jab. These include convulsions, fever and paralysis, nausea, muscle weakness, dizziness and blurred vision, rashes, pain in the arm, allergies and other ill-effects. These reactions were recorded by the drug safety watchdog Medicines and Health care products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

Jackie Fletcher, founder of Jabs, a support group for families whose children have fallen ill after immunisation does not think there is sufficient evidence that Cervarix is safe.

Cancer charities continue to urge parents to have their daughters vaccinated, claiming that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks. But where these charities receive substantial donations from drug companies, especially from Glaxo, the manufacturer of Cervarix, there may be divided loyalties that influence what they say. The Telegraph article gives details of Stacey Jones, whose health was devastatingly damaged by a brain injury, caused by inflammation of the brain, when she had 18 epileptic seizures, the first one of which occurred 4 days after her third Cervarix injection.

I found this blog entry by Paul Flynn dark but insightful. It contains this gem of a sentence: Pharmageddon is when medicines produce more ill-health than health, and when medical progress does more harm than good. - I believe we reached this stage long ago and are heading for global as well as national catastrophe unless something effective is done soon to curb the power and malign influence of the drug companies and their medical acolytes and the politicians they have corrupted. - Do we have no honest, courageous, intelligent politicians to wage out-and-out war on the evil that is Big Pharma?

You can read on my website about some of the terrible harm done by pharmaceutical drugs that are recklessly over-prescribed by our drug-obsessed medical profession. (Prescription drugs are, of course, a major cause of obesity, morbid obesity and obesity-related illnesses, e.g. type 2 diabetes and heart disease.)


prescribed steroids and HRT