Your skin may have become thinner and more sensitive because of being overstretched by weight gain/fluid retention/salt sensitivity and/or weakened by dieting. - Reducing fluid retention would reduce the weight gain and relax the overstretched skin and thus reduce the itching. - To do this you need to avoid salt and salty food. - It's as simple - and as difficult! - as that... Lose weight, reduce your risk of most cancers, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, angina, vascular dementia, osteopenia, osteoporosis, hypercholesterolaemia, depression, liver and kidney problems, and improve your health in many other ways without drugs or expense by eating less salt! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
See Health problems associated with salt sensitivity and fluid retention
Another cause of intolerable itching (especially vaginal or vulval itching: BV, Bacterial Vaginitis/Bacterial Vaginosis) can be a yeast/fungal infection/Candida/Thrush which may have resulted from taking penicillin or some other antibiotic which has altered the balance of your gut flora. Alternative home remedies for this variously include wearing cotton underwear and trying to improve the balance of the vaginal flora by eating less sugar, by eating probiotic yogurt or by applying the yogurt directly to the vagina. By a happy coincidence, eating dairy yoghurt also reduces excess weight by increasing the excretion of fat from the body via the faeces. See where you will read: "a high calcium intake increases the excretion of fat in the faeces". – In fact, the researchers found that twice as much fat was excreted on a high calcium intake as on a low calcium intake – and this was independent of calorie intake. – They also found that dairy calcium (they suggest eating yoghurt) is a particularly good source for this extra calcium.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Is persistent intolerable itching making you scratch so hard your skin could even bleed? - This may help...
Posted by
9:33 am
Labels: BV, candida, eat less salt, Fluid Retention, gut flora, intolerable itching, Lose weight, overstretched skin, Salt Intake, sugar, thin skin, thrush, yeast infection
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