Lose weight by eating less salt! - Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
See my website
Wilde About Steroids

Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection

Read my Mensa article on Cruelty, Negligence and the Abuse of Power in the NHS: Fighting the System

Read about the cruel treatment I suffered at the Sheffield Dental Hospital: Long In The Toothache

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Monday, June 24, 2013

'Afternoon Tea' doesn't HAVE to be a Carbfest.

 'Afternoon Tea' doesn't HAVE to be a Carbfest. - I was invited out for 'Afternoon Tea' one day last week by friends who know that because of iatrogenically-induced food sensitivities I have to be very careful what I eat. -  So K reassured me beforehand that she had looked on the internet for suggestions of 'paleo' snacks. Very thoughtful of her. - I'll bet you're wondering what was on the table and what I had to eat and drink? - Well what I ate consisted of delicious, dainty, crisp-sized omelettes (organic free range egg) onto which K spooned tiny helpings of chopped ripe avocado, and I also ate some Yeo Valley natural unsweetened full fat yoghurt. There were some tiny pieces of chopped apple too, but I didn't have those. And I drank tap water and 2 cups of tea. - A bit of an unusual afternoon tea, perhaps, but much healthier than salt-laden/carb-laden ham sandwiches and sweet scones spread with jam.