Big 'news' this week is that eating less salt
lowers your risk of developing cancer, especially cancer of the stomach. See
this BBC News report, where
you will read: "Cutting back on salty foods such as bacon, bread and
breakfast cereals may reduce people's risk of developing stomach cancer,
according to the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)." I put inverted commas
round the word 'news' because my website has been informing people of this fact
for many years and so it is hardly news. The usual establishment health message
about salt reduction is that reducing salt intake reduces your risk of stroke,
heart disease and heart attacks, and that it lowers high blood pressure, and
while this health message is undoubtedly correct, it omits a multitude of other health benefits that result from eating less salt, most amazingly omitting the
information that cutting salt intake is the fastest, safest way to lose excess
weight. - In view of all the publicity about the prevalence and dangers of
obesity, it's a real shame (I use the word advisedly) that this weight reduction
information is not being promulgated by the public health brigade. Indeed, they almost
seem to go out of their way to keep us in the dark about it. (The explanation for the weight loss is
that salt reduction reduces the fluid retention which contributes to all
overweight. Read about the groups of people that are particularly vulnerable to salt.)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
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