You will feel better.
If you are overweight you will lose some of that excess weight/water weight.
If you have high blood pressure it will go lower.
You will sleep better.
You will look better.
Your skin will improve.
Your nails and hair will be in better condition.
You will feel less pain.
Your risk of degenerative illness will be reduced.
Your mental alertness will improve.
You will have more energy and vitality.
You will think about food less.
Your eyes will look brighter.
You will get less tired.
You will be less likely to catch infections.
Cholesterol problems will be reduced.
And so on...
Lose weight safely, reduce your risk of most cancers, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, heart attack, vascular dementia, osteopenia, osteoporosis, hypercholesterolaemia, depression, liver and kidney problems, and improve your health in many other ways without drugs, hunger or expense by eating less salt! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt ConnectionAnd see Sodium in foods