Discarded cosmetics 'threat to drinking water'
Extract from the Telegraph:
"Drinking water in Britain is under threat from drugs and cosmetics being flushed down the drains in millions of households, chemists have warned.
New contaminants have entered the water system after use by the population in recent years, such as drugs used to treat epilepsy, depression and cancer, it is claimed.
Along with human sewage contaminated with medicines and their by-products, there are rising levels of cosmetic products such as shower gels and musk perfumes, according to a report by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
But the experts say water treatment waste works are unable to remove all of these types of chemicals, so currently some contaminants remain in the water sources.
Although at trace levels can only now be analysed with modern techniques, there are concerns about substances such as drugs, with data already suggesting that urine contaminated by the female contraceptive pill is affecting fish, for example.
The report called Sustainable Water: Chemical Science Priorities, which will be launched at the Royal Society of Chemistry at Burlington House in London, calls for greater research into the effects of these contaminants.
Dr Jeff Hardy, Environment and Energy Manager of the society, said many medicines that pass through the body are being seen in the environment.
"There are substances like antidepressants, painkillers, beta blockers, anticancer drugs and antibiotics. Many are designed so they do not degrade in the human body so that they can fulfil their function. It seems they are not degrading once they get into the environment.""
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