Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) or Vaginitis can cause intense itching and loss of sleep. Maybe you have tried the usual antibiotics and they have not worked, or maybe you would rather avoid prescription drugs anyway. - Well consider the obesity link. - Obesity is easily reduced by cutting down on salt and salty food. This reduces the fluid retention/salt sensitivity which is always a constituent of obesity. So if you lose weight by eating less salt you may find that that helps with the BV problem.
Alternative home remedies variously include wearing cotton underwear and trying to alter the balance of the vaginal flora by eating less sugar, eating probiotic yogurt or by applying the yogurt directly to the vagina. By a happy coincidence, eating dairy yoghurt also reduces excess weight by increasing the excretion of fat from the body via the faeces. See where you will read: "a high calcium intake increases the excretion of fat in the faeces". – In fact, the researchers found that twice as much fat was excreted on a high calcium intake as on a low calcium intake – and this was independent of calorie intake. – They also found that dairy calcium (they suggest eating yoghurt) is a particularly good source for this extra calcium.
On one of the links - - from the BBC The Truth About Food site, it says: "Calcium is the mineral most likely to be deficient in the average diet. Let me repeat that. Calcium is the mineral most likely to be deficient in the average diet. Calcium deficiency is a condition in which we fail to receive or to metabolize an adequate supply of Calcium," and also: "Calcium helps keep the weight off. Research suggests that if you don't get enough calcium in your diet, you're likely to be overweight."
There are a number of reasons that overweight people in particular tend to be deficient in calcium. The main reason is that sodium retention/salt sensitivity/fluid retention depletes the body of calcium.
Here are two other very simple reasons:
1. Most fat people are ‘dieting’ most of the time – i.e. they are eating insufficient food for their body’s needs.
2. Fat people are routinely advised to limit their intake of dairy food like milk because their advisors (wrongly) believe that milk is ‘fattening’.