On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week Channel 4 TV Too Big To Walk showed an hour each evening of episodes in a 500 mile walk embarked upon by 8 severely obese adults - 4 men and 4 women - Gary Baines, Alice Duxbury, Jack Gordy, Stacey Pinnock, Hayley Rentall, Jane Thompson Smith, Adam Van Gogh and Vincent Youngman - in the hope of losing excess weight and becoming fitter. - It was a gruelling and at times somewhat dangerous walk, especially for such heavy, unfit people, and in my opinion the organisers/makers of the programme pressed the subjects to levels of endurance that were not unlike torture. - I consider it to have been an unwise, ill-considered and risky enterprise, despite the fact that weight was lost and the four who finished the walk were justly proud of themselves and their self-confidence and happiness had improved.
The hard walking caused severe foot problems and great pain for several of the walkers and some of them had to give up the walk because of the damage it was doing to them.
Strenuous, pain-laden exercise like this is completely unnecessary for weight loss. - If only those walkers - and all other obese people - had the correct information, i.e. that all that is necessary to lose weight is to reduce salt/sodium intake and eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables! - They could all of them have lost a stone/14 pounds in a month by making a serious effort to eat less salt. - They could have done this without taking exercise at all and without restricting calories or going hungry. - If they had carried on in this way they could then, if they felt like it, have gone on some nice long walks without the terrible strain on their feet/knees/muscles/heart that it was to walk when severely obese. The exercise would then have been more enjoyable and beneficial.
Lose weight by eating less salt! Go on! - Try it!
See my website www.wildeaboutsteroids.co.uk
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adverts - just helpful information.)
Friday, November 10, 2006
Too Big To Walk! - Gary Baines, Alice Duxbury, Jack Gordy, Stacey Pinnock, Hayley Rentall, Jane Thompson Smith, Adam Van Gogh and Vincent Youngman
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3:54 pm
Labels: Adam Van Gogh, Alice Duxbury, eat less salt, Gary Baines, Hayley Rentall, Jack Gordy, Jane Thompson Smith, Lose weight, Obesity, Stacey Pinnock, Too Big to Walk, Vincent Youngman, weight loss
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