Lose weight by eating less salt! - Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
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Wilde About Steroids

Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection

Read my Mensa article on Cruelty, Negligence and the Abuse of Power in the NHS: Fighting the System

Read about the cruel treatment I suffered at the Sheffield Dental Hospital: Long In The Toothache

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Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Nearly 40% of breast cancer tumours change form when they spread

BBC News reports that breast cancer is more complex than was previously realised. "Lead researcher Dr Dana Faratian said: "We were surprised that such a high proportion of tumours change form when they spread beyond the breast. This suggests there is a need to test which type of disease a woman has in the lymph nodes, because it could radically alter the course of treatment she receives. We now need a clinical trial to see how these results could benefit patients.""

You can reduce your risk of developing breast cancer by avoiding salt and salty food and eating plenty of fruit and unsalted vegetables. And in particular be aware that many prescription drugs increase the risk of most cancers, including breast cancer. - The drugs that increase the risk of cancer are mainly the drugs that cause weight gain/fluid retention/salt sensitivity, and these include many steroids, HRT and other oestrogen-containing drugs, many antidepressants (especially amitriptyline), anti-psychotics and epilepsy drugs as well as other pharmaceuticals.

Lose weight, reduce your risk of most cancers, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, heart attack, vascular dementia, stroke, osteopenia, osteoporosis, hypercholesterolaemia, depression, liver damage and kidney problems, and improve your health in many other ways without drugs, hunger or expense by eating less salt! - Try it! - You will feel so much better! See my website www.wildeaboutsteroids.co.uk


prescribed steroids and HRT

And see Sodium in foods