Come on now - you can't still believe, can you, that psychoactive drugs are safe? or intended to help patients? or that the drug companies, and the many venal medics ensconced in their capacious cash-filled pockets, have the slightest concern for anyone's health and well-being but their own?
If you do still believe that the intentions of those with vested self-serving interests are honourable, then I suggest you read these recent articles: Alliance for Human Research Protection's The Real Biederman Scandal and Gaia Health's Big Pharma Spends $95 Thousand Per Doctor on Marketing Each Year and this whistle-blower story.
Your health is your most precious possession and your brain is not infinitely elastic. - Say NO! to psychotropic drugs. And do what you can to protect others from them - especially children. There is growing and widespread unease among decent healthcare professionals at the harm being done by these dangerous drugs and the criminal drug companies - especially to children.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Come on now - you can't still believe, can you, that psychoactive drugs are safe?
Posted by
7:11 pm
Labels: Big Pharma, child health, drug industry, Johnson and Johnson, psychiatric drugging of children, psychiatrists, psychotropic drugs, risperidone, systemic corruption
Big Pharma: the lies and corruption that promote sales of their Psychotropic Junk
Big Pharma in America: the lies and corruption that promote sales of their psychotropic junk and are damaging the health and happiness of ever-increasing numbers of Americans, most tragically children, in exchange for vast profits. Watch this video that was uploaded onto YouTube earlier this month.
Remember: the idea that depression and other mental health conditions are caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain is a myth invented by drug manufacturers in order to sell their vile products. Say NO! to their costly, chemical crap.
Posted by
12:30 am
Labels: Big Pharma, corporate corruption of science, myth of chemical imbalance, pharmaceutical junk, psychotropic drugs, youtube
Saturday, July 30, 2011
If you would like to know more about toxicology
If you would like to know more about toxicology there's a very interesting website here. The website's Mission Statement says "A Clean Environment and Good Health Are Our Most Precious Resources to Leave Our Children."
Posted by
3:57 pm
Labels: good health, toxicology, toxins
A study suggests that mental problems may lead to people seeking unnecessary nose jobs/rhinoplasty
FoxNews reports on a study that suggests mental problems may lead to people seeking unnecessary nose jobs/rhinoplasty. It is suggested that some people requesting nose jobs are really suffering from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Personally, I tend to be somewhat sceptical about putative mental illnesses like body dysmorphic disorder.
If you are considering a nose job because your nose is too big/fat/bulbous and it has been suggested to you that you are obsessing about an imaginary problem and do not need such an operation, let me suggest a non-surgical, non-psychological therapy you may like to try.
If you seriously cut down on salt/sodium and salty food, your fat nose will become less fat. - Truly it will. - And less red and swollen. - This is because the blood vessels will become less dilated. (Cutting down on alcohol also helps with the problem.)
Reducing your sodium intake also reduces excess weight and lowers high blood pressure and has a multitude of other health benefits, including making you feel much better in every way. - Why not give it a try? - Go on! - Give yourself and your nose a real treat!...(o:
Posted by
12:00 am
Labels: BDD, body dysmorphic disorder, bulbous nose, cut down on salt and salty food, low salt intake, low sodium intake, rhinoplasty
Friday, July 29, 2011
Organic Food Festival 3-4 September, Bristol
Organic Food Festival 3-4 September, Bristol Harbourside. "Over 150 organic food and drink producers * Celebrity Chef Demos * Live bands * Livestock * Kids Taste Experience * Gorgeous health and Beauty Products * Organic Gardening * Fabulous fashion and textiles." Details here.
Posted by
12:56 pm
Labels: Bristol, organic food, Organic Gardening
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Nationwide Building Society's board displays banker-style greed
Nationwide Building Society's board is displaying banker-style greed. Read report here. Well we all are living with the catastrophic consequences of some bankers' greed. Let's hope someone comes up with a way to curb these new fat tomcats with such inflated ideas of their own worth to the Society they are employed to serve.
Posted by
6:11 pm
Labels: greed, Nationwide Building Society
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
About the systemic corruption of the United States by the financial services industry and its dire consequences
The film Inside Job takes a look at the financial crisis of 2008. It documents the systemic corruption of the United States by the financial services industry, and the consequences of that systemic corruption. I strongly urge you to watch this if you can spare the time.
It takes nearly 2 hours but it is in 15 minute chunks and even if you only watch part of it I feel sure you will find it worthwhile. The greed, the lies, the corruption is so rank and did such terrible harm and caused such terrible suffering worldwide, the perpetrators should not remain unpunished and should not still be in positions of power - but they are still in positions of power! The Law has supported and protected these wicked people.
If you are one of the people who has suffered because of the financial chicanery of the banks and the useless regulators, venal politicians, etc. - and that is surely all of us -I do urge you to watch this film and see how easily and cynically it was done.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. I believe these horrors will happen again because the fraudsters/criminals are still in power - still raking in shedloads of cash - still robbing the poor of all lands.
Please try to watch it!
Posted by
10:40 am
Labels: abuse of power, corruption, financial services industry, systemic corruption
Monday, July 25, 2011
Are you aware that HRT is steroid medication that can cause massive weight gain?
Are you aware that HRT is steroid medication that can cause massive weight gain? Read more about HRT and Steroids here. Read my Mensa article about weight gain caused by HRT and Steroids here. And read about how to lose weight by eating less salt and salty food.
Posted by
11:30 pm
Labels: drug-induced weight gain, eating less salt and salty food, HRT, Lose weight, massive weight gain, medication, Prescribed Steroids
More medical ghostwriting
A University of Pennsylvania psychiatry professor is alleging that several colleagues - including his department chair - allowed their names to be added to a medical journal manuscript but gave control of the contents to GlaxoSmithKline. Read article at
Posted by
3:12 pm
Labels: GlaxoSmithKline, medical ghostwriting, psychiatrists
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Rickets reported in Cardiff
BBC Wales reports that cases of the crippling children's bone disease rickets are being seen in Cardiff. "Caused by a lack of vitamin D, the disease can lead to deformities like bowed legs and stunted growth, but it largely disappeared last century. Eye on Wales has learnt health professionals working in communities in south Cardiff are reporting incidents."
Vitamin D deficiency can result in a host of serious health conditions, including susceptibility to colds and flu, overweight and dental problems. See Vitamin D Deficiency. Sunshine is a good source of vitamin D. Food sources include oily fish such as salmon and sardines, eggs, full fat natural yoghurt, whole milk and beef liver. Low fat diets are not healthy, but they are particularly bad for children. Your doctor can arrange for vitamin D level testing.
Posted by
3:02 pm
Labels: bone health, Cardiff, child health, dental health, dental problems, rickets, Vitamin D, Vitamin D deficiency
Bribery of doctors and other NHS healthcare staff by pharmaceutical companies may be reduced by the Serious Fraud Office
An Independent on Sunday investigation has revealed that the bribery of doctors and other NHS healthcare staff with lavish hospitality and freebies by pharmaceutical companies may be reduced by the Serious Fraud Office.
"Big drug firms have spent millions of pounds on bankrolling events and trips for NHS staff, an Independent on Sunday investigation of trust records has revealed. The catalogue of freebies includes Pfizer providing hospitality to dozens of doctors attending a meeting at the five-star Gleneagles hotel resort in Scotland, and a dinner meeting between three Eli Lilly staff and two nurses at which 22 alcoholic drinks were consumed.
Healthcare staff, who influence how the £12bn annual NHS drugs budget is spent, insist they are not swayed by hospitality. However, it has emerged that big firms such as Sanofi-Aventis, Napp and Cephalon all feature in reports by the industry's watchdog, the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA), into alleged breaches in the rules on hospitality."
I recommend reading the whole of this damning report, including the Comments beneath the report.
Posted by
2:32 pm
Labels: bribery, British doctors, corporate corruption of science, corporate criminality, corruption, NHS, Pfizer, Pharmaceutical companies, Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority, Sanofi-Aventis
Saturday, July 23, 2011
I took my pain to Brighton once - Short Story by Margaret Wilde
Margaret Wilde © 2011
Posted by
9:29 pm
Labels: Brighton, pain, Short Story
Friday, July 22, 2011
GMO damage to Hungary's agriculture
GMO maize damage may total billions, says expert
The damage to Hungary's agriculture caused through sowing genetically modified seeds and to the country's GMO-free status will total billions of forints, an expert told MTI on Wednesday.
Read article at (Hungary)
Posted by
11:05 pm
Labels: genetically modified maize, GMO seeds, Hungary
Antipsychotics kill five UK dementia sufferers every day
The Telegraph reports that antipsychotics kill five UK dementia sufferers every day and that at last meaningful action is being proposed to instruct doctors to review all antipsychotics prescriptions and to seek to reduce them by finding “therapeutic alternatives” to these harmful drugs.
Posted by
10:24 pm
Labels: anti-psychotics, chemical coshes, dangerous prescription drugs, dementia, prescribed drugs, The Telegraph
Diet Drinks will not help you lose weight or inches
Calorie-free Diet Drinks will not help you to lose weight or inches and they are particularly bad for your waistline. Read about the harm done by artificial sweeteners in this excellent article from the Daily Mail. In general it is best to avoid putting synthetic chemicals into your body.
Good, safe, natural ways to lose excess weight and reduce your waist measurement are to cut down on salt/sodium and salty food and to eat plenty of vegetables and fruit. - The natural potassium in vegetables and fruit displaces some of the sodium from the body. The body then loses some of the excess fluid it has been holding in the bloodstream. This extra fluid (water weight) is excreted in the urine and so you lose weight, have more vitality, feel tons better and less bloated, can think more clearly and move more easily, and altogether you will be sooo pleased with your new, healthier, happier self that I hope you will be motivated to make lower sodium intake a permanent feature of your (longer) life...(o: - Read also about safe, natural ways to reduce Fat Retention.
Posted by
1:14 pm
Labels: artificial sweeteners, diet colas, diet drinks, diet sodas, eat less salt, fat retention, Fluid Retention, Lose weight, potassium intake, vitality, water weight
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
House of Lords committee finds Nudge Theory for improving health is not good enough
Posted by
4:20 pm
Labels: ban transfats, misinformation, Nudge Theory, scientific evidence, statins, unhealthy food
Friday, July 15, 2011
Commonly prescribed medicines can destroy lives
Experts have called for increased awareness about the issue of adverse drug reactions after hearing how everyday prescription medicines are destroying the lives of some patients.
Read article at
Posted by
9:35 pm
Labels: adverse drug reaction, medicines, Prescribed medications
High salt/sodium intake is a major cause of heart disease, hypertension and stroke
High salt/sodium intake is a major cause of heart disease, hypertension and stroke. It is also a major contributor to obesity, especially in children and other vulnerable groups. You could improve your health and lower your risk of many degenerative health conditions as well as reducing excess weight by cutting down on salt and salty food. - Lose weight by eating less salt and salty food! - Go on! try it! - You will feel so much better!
Posted by
7:39 pm
Labels: child health, child obesity, eat less salt, Lose weight, Obesity, vulnerable to salt
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Criminal practices within Insurance Companies are causing immense suffering to many American citizens
Criminal practices within Insurance Companies are causing immense suffering to many American citizens. Read this account by one of the victims.
Posted by
12:18 pm
Labels: abuse of power
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Rally against GM potato trials
A Rally against GM potato trials is to be held at The Forum, Norwich, 12 noon, Saturday 23rd July 2011. "British trials of genetically modified blight resistant spuds have been failing for the last ten years. But a conventionally bred variety of blight resistant potatoes has been available for 3 years. So why are we still paying for their dangerous experiment?"
Posted by
2:14 pm
Labels: genetically modified crops, GM crops, GM field trials, GM potatoes
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Law and Order on ITV on Sunday evening
Posted by
3:05 pm
Labels: Bradley Walsh, ITV, Law and Order, Medical Negligence
Sunday, July 10, 2011
The Food Programme Radio 4: Transfats are poisonous. Why is the Food Industry still allowed to put them into our food?
If you listen to this programme on iPlayer you will hear Sheila Dillon ask pertinent questions and you will hear slithering responses just as oily and toxic as the transfat content the apologists seek to defend. And do not be fooled by the talk of small quantities and of small percentages of calories from these transfats. They are very harmful even in very small quantities. And the damage they do is cumulative. - Remember the old adage: poison comes in small packages!
Posted by
7:26 pm
Labels: ban transfats, contaminated food, fast food, food industry, Food manufacturers, health problems, Processed food, Sheila Dillon, takeaways
How can the GMC possibly be allowed to continue as a regulator?
How can the GMC possibly be allowed to continue as a regulator? - I have many times inveighed against the uselessness of the GMC and I have many times called for it to be scrapped. It has no regard at all, other than rhetorical, for the safety of patients, and it routinely protects lousy doctors from anything but the most lenient of punishments for very grave malpractice. But this report by the Sunday Telegraph of its investigation into the case of a grossly negligent, incredibly ignorant, fraudster of a doctor really MUST be followed by the speedy demise of the General Medical Council. This is a national scandal of mind-blowing proportions. I urge you to read the whole article; a mere summary seems inadequate.
Posted by
1:32 pm
Labels: General Medical Council, GMC, Medical Negligence, scandal, Sunday Telegraph
Saturday, July 09, 2011
An American assessment of the UK phonehacking scandal
Here's an American assessment of the UK phonehacking scandal. This thoughtful article is followed by equally thoughtful and pertinent comments by George W. Drance and "Lynn", the former drawing attention to the fraud and corruption perpetrated by rogue lawyers, who, like the British press, lack an independent regulatory body, and the latter pointing up the harm done to society when members of the professions, by dint of being accorded unmerited respect, are allowed to practise dishonesty and get away with it. I have myself come to realise that massive flaws in the practice of Law play a huge part in the ever-increasing instances of Medical Negligence and the avoidable suffering that results from it (See, for example, Lawyers Can Seriously Damage Your Health, by Michael Joseph). And I whole-heartedly agree with Lynn on the widespread suffering caused by professionals' dishonest behaviour. My own experiences illustrate the truth of both George W. Drance's and Lynn's Comments. See Fighting the System and Long in the Toothache.
Posted by
3:45 pm
Labels: corruption, Fighting the System, Long In The Toothache, phonehacking, scandal
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Shameful facts about diagnoses of mental illness
Shameful facts about diagnoses of 'mental illness'. Read this book review. Personally, I don't believe in mental illness. If you do believe in it, I invite you, after you have read this book review, to try reading some of the many books by Thomas Szasz. You'll soon have a different take on it.
Posted by
8:08 pm
Labels: mental illness, Thomas Szasz
The News of the World is to close
The News of the World is to close on Sunday. See Guardian blog post. That's excellent news! Thank goodness we still have some ethical newspapers, among them the Guardian.
Posted by
4:52 pm
Labels: News of the World, phonehacking, The Guardian
Kirstie brought her baby to see me today
My friend Kirstie brought baby George to see me today. It was so nice to see them. It is the first time I've seen them since George was born, nearly two months ago. He was wide awake and busy looking round and learning. Kirstie is giving him a good, healthy start in life by breastfeeding him, and she doesn't eat any salty food or other junk that would be bad for him. I gave her a tub of Yeo Valley whole milk probiotic natural yoghurt to take home with her. That will do them both good, with its no added ingredients, and the dairy calcium, vitamin D and Bifidobacteria it naturally contains.
Posted by
3:58 pm
Labels: Bifidobacteria, breastfeeding, dairy calcium, Kirstie, nursing mothers, probiotic yoghurt, Vitamin D
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Mitochondrial damage caused by some anti-retroviral drugs commonly used to treat HIV, study shows
A class of anti-retroviral drugs commonly used to treat HIV, particularly in Africa and low income countries, can cause premature ageing, according to research published in the journal Nature Genetics. The study shows that the drugs damage DNA in the patient's mitochondria – the 'batteries' which power their cells. The findings may explain why HIV-infected people treated with antiretroviral drugs sometimes show advanced signs of frailty and age-associated diseases such as cardiovascular disease and dementia at an early age.
Read article at
Posted by
11:02 pm
Labels: Africa, anti-retroviral drugs, CVD, dementia, DNA damage, HIV, mitochondrial damage, premature ageing
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Children's health is being damaged and their lives shortened because they are eating too much salt and salty food
Children's health is being damaged and their lives shortened because they are eating too much salt and salty food. See Children are vulnerable to salt. It is important to protect children from processed foods/salty snacks/ready meals and the like. Children are more at risk from their salt intake than adults are.
Children are especially vulnerable to salt because of their small size and small blood volume, and because their blood vessels are weaker than those of adults. Salt, and the water it attracts to it, can more easily distend weak blood vessels than fully mature ones. The resulting increase in blood volume and other fluid retention results in weight gain, as well as higher blood pressure and many other undesirable consequences. The smaller the child, the less salt they should have - and a baby, of course, should have no salt at all. - Babies can die if they are fed salty food.
Because children have much smaller bodies than adults it would be best if they had no more than half as much salt as adults. Most children, however, have much more than this because they eat so many snacks and instant foods. Just one cheeseburger, for instance, contains almost double the recommended daily salt maximum for children. There are high amounts of salt in packet soups, instant noodles, ketchup and sauces, sausages, burgers and savoury snacks. Fat children will lose weight fast if they eat less salt. And even faster still if they eat plenty of fresh fruit and unsalted vegetables, because these are rich in potassium, which helps to displace sodium from the body. Overweight children should not be put on a diet; dieting is harmful and unnecessary and does not usually result in weight loss. Once children start dieting it is often the beginning of a lifetime of yo-yo dieting and increasing weight and ill-health.
Unfortunately bread contains a lot of salt and most families eat quite a lot of bread because of using it for sandwiches in packed lunches, and for toast, etc. Because of its high salt content bread is not a healthy food for little children or for anyone who is overweight. Some bread manufacturers have lowered the salt content of certain loaves, but most bread still usually contains 0.5g or more of sodium per 100g. This is too much. - Always check on the packet; look for the lowest sodium content.
Cheese is often recommended as being good for children because it contains calcium, but cheese is not really good for children because it has a high salt content. So don't give them a lot of it. Children can get plenty of calcium by drinking milk and by eating dairy yogurt (but avoid non-dairy yogurt and low-fat yogurt and the sort of yogurt that has added sugar or sweeteners, colours or other synthetic chemical additives).
Posted by
2:47 pm
Labels: avoid added salt, avoid salt and salty food, blood volume, child health, children and salt, children's health, children's meals, Fluid Retention
Too many UK patients are prescribed high-risk drugs
"Findings of a new study suggest that too many patients in the UK are being prescribed high-risk drugs that could potentially cause them harm, and reveals that GP prescribing between practices remains significantly varied. According to the research paper, published in the British Medical Journal online, thousands of patients in Scotland particularly vulnerable to side effects from medicines were dished out 'high-risk' drugs by their GPs."
Read article at (UK)
Posted by
12:17 pm
Labels: adverse side-effects, dangerous prescription drugs, First do no harm, pharmaceutical drugs, reckless prescribing, Scotland